104 mph self peddled bicycle

why would you say that bruce? i dont want to hear some one elses ideas of limits so that my head gets cluttered with supposed unable things.. because i have done some of the so called not possiable stuff.. my funds and garage tools limit me to make this gear box transmission and my wetlockz exhaust box.. that is why i share my ideas incase someone wants to try them out ..
kim your too funny and one of the reasons society can not advance that fast...

Alas its true, my 'humor' is but a lame attempt to cover my inadequacies :: sigh :: please forgive me...

if i told you i had a working magenetic motor that makes power and does not use power except the magnets you would laugh also..

Hysterically... but again, its just the whole inadequate thing kicking in again...

anyone see my profile pics of my new gas tank cover yet? i made a fiberglass one

Nope i hadn't... we have something in common i made a battery enclosure from fiberglass...for the bike i built from scratch, likely lacks the advanced structural integrity your tank cover possesses, but i gave it the old 'college try' thine82 has to count for something right!?! :-P

the earth is dying.. necesity is the mother of all inventions.. so why not push outside the box?

Well, actually its not, the earth is fine and will be for many more millions of years, its on a cycle that man has no say in...
lil FYI ...necessity has two 'ss's in ... :: wink::

why would you say that bruce? i dont want to hear some one elses ideas of limits so that my head gets cluttered with supposed unable things.. because i have done some of the so called not possiable stuff.. my funds and garage tools limit me to make this gear box transmission and my wetlockz exhaust box.. that is why i share my ideas incase someone wants to try them out ..

This is why we love you too thin82, why should we limit ourselves to the laws of physics :-| i'm with you 110% but....perhaps its time to actually show some of the math you have done and some basic sketches of your design so we can start building, up until now you haven't really given any design layout to how this fantastic physic defying design works, we would have alot more faith in you if you did, show us the way thine83!


p.s can we also see the design of your motor that runs on no power except that of the magnets, would save me a fortune on battery's for my e-bikes :-P
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can I -UN-subscribe from this soon to be train wreck?
Just gettng too old to bang my head in the intenet floor......

thine82, Its obvious you have an artistic flair. I saw your Diablo' tank cover & i enjoy seeing free-form sculpture especialy incorperated with daily life nessesitys.

But there are a few things in the universe (as we percieve it) we can't deny.
in simplest terms...nothing comes for free...Every transition from one form to another "costs" something. There is allways room to improve existing designs...& I anxiously await every "New" design to see the future progress & wonder where it will lead.
If you want to see a real discusion about "making energy" read this thread in another forum I frequent: as Todd:
BackyardMetalcasting.com - Lionel's Laboratory :: View topic - Well DW may be gone.....
still not certain if Einstine & anon were serious....but yes, they are "hobby Nuculer Physists" (& you though E-bikers were nerds!!!)

The logical progresion of this thread is: decomposing into discusion of the VAST Right wing CONSPIRACY & how the "Man" has us all under his money grubbing thumbs & Big corperations stifeling productivity (wich has a basis in truth...but falls flat on its face in educated debate)
lets keep it on Topic & be suportive.

I can do the theroetical gearing ratio calc's to get to the speed of light on a bicycle.
Any faster & we are deep into the time/space continumn....prolly not safe to time travel on a huffy.
i liked the wetlock exhaust idea...who else has kicked around the idea of liquid exhaust? i have....i thought we all used to love throwing fire-crackers around when we were little, didn't anyone ever throw one in a cup of water? and as for the magnet thing....i think people have been kicking that horse for a couple hundred years. but...its rumored that the first production run of model T's had slots in the bellhousing where magnets could be stuck, to make magnet motored things (seriously i dont know sh!+ about the mechanization's of them,or terminology, dont want to bother looking it up either, im just presenting it for someone to pick up on) so asking me questions on henry ford's perpetual motion model T won't do you any good, you'd have to look it up yourself, but not before taking a grain of salt. some sort of education or knowledge on the subject would work better then salt though.
I am impressed that you might have a magnet only powered motor,but ,back to gearing ,they are like a lever for lifting,the ratio's are where you put the pivot under the lever,if you are moving a 100 pound weight then the closer the pivot for the lever is moved toward you the more force is needed to move the weight,,at 1 to 5 the pivot would be 1.7inches pushing force(500 lb) to 8.3 inches lifting force(100 lb) and if you add a second gear(lever) set of 1 to 5 moving the 100 lb to the end of the second lever,I think you have to multiply the pushing force X 5 (2500 lbs)to lift the o riginal 100 lbs
lets keep it on Topic & be supportive.

I can do the theoretical gearing ratio calc's to get to the speed of light on a bicycle.
Any faster & we are deep into the time/space continuum....prolly not safe to time travel on a huffy.

'Theeere' ...now that's the spirit ThudSTeR :-)

now, about these light speed gear clac's, you been holding out on me mate!! :: dusts off StaR TReK uniform:: Now if we just use a non-huffy bicycle, what do you think our chances are of making 'the jump' to light speed ThudSTeR 90-95% ...? with thine82's gear box with stuff in it and perpetual motion overdrive, i think our chances could be as high as 115-120% of light speed success :-P

I just put 50-10 in the calculator twice ,and used 2500 rpm motorspeed to a 26 inch output wheel and got 4,834.4 mph,,the tires won't colapse even with out air,I think we've solved the extra speed problem,now, back to brakes,how are we going to stop this thing(and see,there was a boom as it passed)lol
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I just put 50-10 in the calculator twice ,and used 2500 rpm motorspeed to a 26 inch output wheel and got 4,834.4 mph

DAMN! ...And this is all with pedal power letz us not forgetz!! throw a 49cc happy time motor and boost bottle, into the equation :-| we're talking not only light speed now but time travel gentlemen..thoughts, input, trigonometric equations, thine82?

I remember thinking about gearing at around 8-10th grade (mid 60's)figured I could have a super fast car by reversing a standard transmission behind the first ,run it up to 100mph on the first tranny then head for 200 mph shifting the second one back down through the gears
BUMP...Still waiting on design drawings and the math too back up all this wonderful physic defying claims thine82

because you guys are awesome i will fill you in quickly.. i always have these random ideas..lol... well i thought how about it.. and i did some looking and found that wind mills use a change over process that makes 30 to 40 rpms to about 1500 rpms. so i started looking it up and did the math.. i belive it will have to be 44 teeth to three teeth.. or 44 to nine.. but there is basically five drive sprockets and yes the back tire counts as one kinda.. i will have to load some pics or posts of the pages that i did my research on. but i want someone to be able to build a cassette crank that goes from smaller to bigger .. then into the gearbox or transmission.. dont know what it would be .. then build the box with all the stuff in it .. once sent to the back wheel which might need a different cassette also on it.. i am unsure of that as of now. the regular gearing would still be on the mountain bike in the new cassettes so you could get rolling then as you start moving is when you could change to the other gears so it would haul azz... i talked to a few people and they said it is very possiable.. what do you guys think? just a tinkering idea once again cuz i dont have the means to build this stuff.. well i could order and pay ALOT to do it but i dont wanna do that just yet..

The only math I am interested in seeing is:

The calculated drag coficeiants at 104mph. (using an upright or recumbent (?)

You cant fool the laws of fluid dynamics.....
the gearing ratios are the easy part.
good luck....google Sam Whittingham. for a little help.

I believe it may be possible and I think I see an easier way: you have to start with a well-lubed racing bike and a backpack full of dumbbells, and from the top of Mount Shasta you just aim sorta downhill...:)
DAMN! ...And this is all with pedal power letz us not forgetz!! throw a 49cc happy time motor and boost bottle, into the equation :-| we're talking not only light speed now but time travel gentlemen..thoughts, input, trigonometric equations, thine82?


just to inform you .. i found this funny thanks for the laugh.. and allen wrench i found that funny also.. the funniest part kim is that yeah we could throw on a motor that spins that fast but the whole point is peddle power.. although it would be awesome to see how fast it would go.. anyone know the rotations per minute that the front sprocket does on these motors? i would figure the math out and ofcourse figure it out for each thousand rpms the motor makes and i will figure the math out and post it..

i took awhile to get back to you guys because the intrest of having someone build this for me could cost alot. just to have the gears fabricated for the chain ring and then the cog would be too much money .. so to throw in a new surprise that might intrest you even more....

i did the math to use all standard chainrings and cogs... if i show you the math and pages right now then i would lose the rights to this ... no one would want to give me money for my idea once they steal it. so next step is a poor mans patent atleast. then i shall show how much homework i have done and cite all the links i found for the math if you want. i promise i will ...

here are some facts by my math .. doing what the average rider peddles which is 90 rpms per minute , it can do 108 mph.. but seriously who can peddle for that long and keep peddling at 90 rpms?
well at 30 rpms it will do 36.21 mph. which means that we could keep it pretty steady for many miles. looking to be able to withstand a ten mile journey without killing ourselves peddling.

i will now leave you guys with a fun gear calculator site i found cuz i enjoy you guys so much. but no this site did not help me find my gearbox ratios.

Mike Sherman
just to inform you i guess you could say that i made a 182 tooth chain ring and a 11tooth cog ring.. if this is not enough to keep you intrested and beliving that i am doing the math.. welll sorry then.. but i will post all the speed for keeping a original back wheel on your mountain bike and the original chainring. but only using the standard 42 tooth chainring . i will tell you how many miles per hour each rear cog ring on a standard bike could get you at the average riders speed. unless you want the calculations for a lazy rider which will be 30 rpms.. <---- hahaha that is me... but i will try to peddle fast as possiable... of course!

just so you all know i do understand that you will have to start in all the lowest gears to take off or just peddle regularly.. about to do the math for how fast that shall be...
31.456670577272727272727272727273... just to be exact from the calculator.. yeah it is 31.5 mph at 30 rpms..
94.37 mph at 90 rpms..
think i am going to have to add a deraileur in the box so we can peddle even easier to take off.
thine82 - I respect your enthusiasm but as many have tried to point out, you're overlooking a rather critical detail in your calculations.

Wind resistance & mechanical drag are exponential - as in, the faster you go, the more power it takes to overcome them & simply put, you've completely neglected to consider such.

If it were but a simple matter of gearing, pedaling speeds in excess of 100mph would already be commonplace. No offense, but gearing calculations are hardly anything new, secret, or even particularly difficult. Sadly, it's not just a case of "doing the math" for the gearing alone as you really do need to include such real world variables as torque, horsepower, and the drag coefficient.

"A healthy human can produce about 1.2 hp briefly... and sustain about 0.1 hp indefinitely" Horsepower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Yet the Chinese two stroke engines claim to have at least twice that peak & can sustain it, but they can normally only achieve a mere 30-35mph regardless of regearing, due to this pesky detail;


Drag coefficient - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm afraid no matter how complex or inconvenient - physics simply cannot be ignored :(
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A HT(china) motor runs at a safe top speed of 6000-7000 rpm ,the break down to the output sproket is about 4/1(divide the motor rpm by 4,making the out-put gear rpm 1500-1750, that is the gear we put the chain on that goes to the rear wheel(the ten tooth one),,,,,I believe that is where they get the Horse-power rateing also(suposidly almost two hp),,A human developes 1/2 hp or less(I think the real number is 1/4 or less) and can only really turn a crank maybe 90 rpm on a good day(120rpm for a short distance),the rear wheel has a 40 tooth gear,reducing the power the motor needs to put out by 4 again and that only allows us to travel 35-40 mph
The out-put gear speed(1500) divided by human speed(90)=16.7 and that =a 167 tooth OUT-PUT sproket(a 167 tooth out-put gear is about 32 inches accross)
Think of the 167 tooth gear as the front gear on the pedal side,now srink the 40 tooth to a 10 tooth on the pedal side on the wheel and the 167 tooth to a 42 tooth(makes it more like the gears in the high speed mode on a racing pedal bike)(Lance Armstrong ?)