kim your too funny and one of the reasons society can not advance that fast...
if i told you i had a working magenetic motor that makes power and does not use power except the magnets you would laugh also..
anyone see my profile pics of my new gas tank cover yet? i made a fiberglass one
the earth is dying.. necesity is the mother of all inventions.. so why not push outside the box?
why would you say that bruce? i dont want to hear some one elses ideas of limits so that my head gets cluttered with supposed unable things.. because i have done some of the so called not possiable stuff.. my funds and garage tools limit me to make this gear box transmission and my wetlockz exhaust box.. that is why i share my ideas incase someone wants to try them out ..
lets keep it on Topic & be supportive.
I can do the theoretical gearing ratio calc's to get to the speed of light on a bicycle.
Any faster & we are deep into the time/space continuum....prolly not safe to time travel on a huffy.
I just put 50-10 in the calculator twice ,and used 2500 rpm motorspeed to a 26 inch output wheel and got 4,834.4 mph
because you guys are awesome i will fill you in quickly.. i always have these random well i thought how about it.. and i did some looking and found that wind mills use a change over process that makes 30 to 40 rpms to about 1500 rpms. so i started looking it up and did the math.. i belive it will have to be 44 teeth to three teeth.. or 44 to nine.. but there is basically five drive sprockets and yes the back tire counts as one kinda.. i will have to load some pics or posts of the pages that i did my research on. but i want someone to be able to build a cassette crank that goes from smaller to bigger .. then into the gearbox or transmission.. dont know what it would be .. then build the box with all the stuff in it .. once sent to the back wheel which might need a different cassette also on it.. i am unsure of that as of now. the regular gearing would still be on the mountain bike in the new cassettes so you could get rolling then as you start moving is when you could change to the other gears so it would haul azz... i talked to a few people and they said it is very possiable.. what do you guys think? just a tinkering idea once again cuz i dont have the means to build this stuff.. well i could order and pay ALOT to do it but i dont wanna do that just yet..
The only math I am interested in seeing is:
The calculated drag coficeiants at 104mph. (using an upright or recumbent
You cant fool the laws of fluid dynamics.....
the gearing ratios are the easy part.
good Sam Whittingham. for a little help.
DAMN! ...And this is all with pedal power letz us not forgetz!! throw a 49cc happy time motor and boost bottle, into the equation :-| we're talking not only light speed now but time travel gentlemen..thoughts, input, trigonometric equations, thine82?