104 mph self peddled bicycle

thank you guys and barely awake i will have to ask you about the math .. you seem to know alot. but if you notice i post for 30 rpms and at 90 rpms.. how about if i do 70 rpms would that maybe make it like the 30rpms? just a thought... doing the actual 70 rpms on the bike might make it like 30 rpms or i could just and another gear unit and it would make up for the drag and loss.. i will send you a message and paste all my math. but i hope something like this could work. do you think it is a complete waste of time?
No - by no means is it a waste of time & TBH, make no mistake - math cornfuddles & terrifies me lol

Just wanted to point out that there's far FAR more to the equation than gearing alone, you should perhaps investigate others on a similar quest to benefit from their experience & knowledge - there's a wealth of links and information here: Cycling records - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well i will just have to build it but i am will have to find a few junk bikes and back broken rims to get the gears i need.. why buy when i can just get the stuff for free hopefully. will keep you guys updated. next step is to contact a university to figure it out with me and my buddies that work as top grade mechanics. hope it works out and will keep this updated ..as long as i get hits on it of course...lol..
I think Lee Majors or the green guy (Hulk) might be able to do it, otherwise maybe motor assist and leg power,,, Lance and his buddies are probibly good for 55 and I think I have heahd talk of short 120 cadence burst of pedeling
do you think it is a complete waste of time?
Serious for a momnet here, Yes, it is a complete and utter waste of your time, you think you can go pick up junk parts build your gearbox and pedal to 104mph when the best in the world with large budgets have only managed 83mph using the latest and most aerodynamic designed recumbent bicycles, built for the sole purpose of breaking world records. You dont think they have heard of gearing calculators?! Nothing new as Barelyawake has mentioned.

You seem to either not read what people post or simply not comprehend it. As Thud, BruceLee and now BarelyAwake have all tried to tell you, your not taking into consideration the effects of drag. Power increases linearly while drag increases exceptionally, for example and to keep it simple as there are other factors involved, if it took 100hp to hit 100mph it is going to take you ~400hp to hit 200mph, Drag increases at the square of speed, and needs to be factored into your equation, you stated early on in the piece when BruceLee told you to take a physics class, and i quote "i dont want to hear some one elses ideas of limits so that my head gets cluttered with supposed unable things" Now, whether you wish to hear it, believe it, know it, or deny it, it isn't going to go away.

Stick to your arty fiberglass work you seem to have a knack for that, you could really jazz that bike of yours up nicely into a work of rolling art..

Jeez KiM, this is turning personal for you isn't it? What's he taking away from you?

How in gods name did you come to that conclusion?! Please do explain. Have you even read this entire thread from the beginning?

Jeez KiM, this is turning personal for you isn't it? What's he taking away from you?

It's nothing personal, it's an engineering thing. Science, Mathematics and Engineering *requires* that theories and calculations be reviewed by pers. That's why research papers, testing procedures, design calculations are written and reviewed. They have to be repeatable and verified. Some Italian scientists just said they created cold fusion, but they haven't produced any details on how their device works Italian Scientists Claim (Dubious) Cold Fusion Breakthrough - FoxNews.com

It's all "bunk" until someone else can replicate it.

Cold fusion
We do realize that the powers that be (big oil is one of the names)will not allow this to happen
listen i gave you guys the formula in the one part of all of this.. well not really but partially how i came about making my 30 rpms into like 1500 to 3000 rpms.. that is what the gear box is for. so that speed can be acheived and seriously no matter how fast it actually goes....
point is that it will go alot quicker then a average bicycle. so yeah i will use junk free parts that work so i can build it. i will have to see if i can fabricate it on paper as a drawing and just post the damn thing so you guys can get over the fact that it is possiable. and either way i just love toying with new ideas. that is how i find out what works and what doesnt and then when it doesnt work i do more homework until i can get it right. i dont need tons of dollars to build something just to test it out.. thats why they are called prototypes.. obviously if it works then i will make one that will hold up to everyday testing... love that this thread sparked so much intrest..lol..
also thanks for the compliments on the fiberglass work. wouldnt you like a custom tank or cool fenders of some sort?
YouTube - Rexroth REDULUS GPV Gearbox for Wind Turbines here is where i got the inspiration to build my gear box..

here is a picture and it is a 44 tooth by the standard lowest tooth times four.. that gives you the right calculations ... if you need more info then i guess i will just have to build it ..


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all kidding aside, thine, go for it. if everyone listened to people saying NO all the time, we might as well be dogs and stay off the furniture.
... love that this thread sparked so much intrest..lol..

weeeell...i wouldn't exactly call it 'interest' but it has been very humorous, for me anywayz :-)

also thanks for the compliments on the fiberglass work. wouldnt you like a custom tank or cool fenders of some sort?

No probs, and no, personally i wouldn't want fiberglass tank covers, but as i have already said in a previous posts in this thread, i have made my own fiberglass enclosures for my lipo battery packs, and will soon be making carbon fiber enclosures and fenders for my latest project...


::yoink:: we have the plans ThudSTeR!! i knew if we persisted with the nay saying thine82 would let it slip! Looks like one SUPER efficient design .... to the ThudCaVE nanananana ThudSTaaaaR 8-) :-P :-P

Just go for it.
(as long as you have time for it & you have a good time doing it)
I will say again- realize this is old technoligy, you are next, in a long line of human powerd endevours to set up "moon shot" grearing to go fast as posible....I think if you put your system on a decent recumbent frame you will see a nice touring speed of 30mph
sprinting capable of near 50mph (thats what the real athleats can do these days without areodynamic fairings).
guys if you do the math.. 44 teeth to elven teeth times four and and the wheel... wheel it comes out to being that quickly.. who is to say that it wouldnt work? i dont have the means to build a gear box like this right at the moment but i hope i can very soon. or since now you have the math simplified for you .. maybe you could build it very easily and tell me how you make out.. if for some reason you get rich just give me only one million is all i ask...lol...if not dont worry i will do it and when i get rich well i will know it is cuz nobody could help me....
wow. if you get around to building something like this I would have to have it! how much would you be selling something like this for? I gotta see the prototype! Do you need some one to do all the test rides?