
  1. Degoragon

    [1930's Hiawatha 26" Mens Tank Cruiser ] is this too far gone to motorize?

    So, at my house, I found this Hiawatha bicycle sitting beside an old shed. She is pretty rusted overall, but the frame is pretty solid. The only rust holes I found, I found a couple holes on the rear right frame tube where the wheel would be. Its on the lower tube that runs right outside the...
  2. Sitherus

    New shift kit problems for custom built bike

    so I gave up on my old shift kit and bought a SBP shift kit. I got it installed and mostly running in one day. I'm having since chain problems I could use some help with. First I should say that I have a shimano rear derailleur and 6 gears with a 7 speed friction thumb shifter. First problem...
  3. H


    Hey guys. I am 17 yrs. old, I am from Utah, and this is my first build. I started with a mountain bike that I bought from a thrift store. I probably have another month or so to finish it. I just ordered my last big purchase of new wheels, tires and odd and ends. I still have to paint it and...
  4. olsmokeybeard

    vintage looking build complete!

    SHORT YOUTUBE VIDEO! last night, first photo of me on the bike! Long time since i've been on here guys! got a heavy-photo post for you to get you all caught up. so this is my second build, which went through a few changes along the way as you'll see. -finally running the pirate cycles...
  5. F

    New member, vintage cruiser.

    This is my first post, just want to say hello to fellow members. About to start on my first gas bike. thought this was a good candidate.
  6. Bryan Smith

    WWII swedish motorized Bicycle using wood gas

    Here's a picture of a Swedish Motorized bicycle that was used in WWII. You can clearly see where the Russians got their design if this is not a Russian motor to start with. The rough translation seems to suggest this was made at Nyman's Workshops in Uppsala Sweden. The can on the side is a wood...
  7. DuctTapedGoat

    Cool Vintage Bikes I took a trip to Caldwell (next town over) and they had some very cool old bikes, a few schwinns - a couple of them trikes, a peugeot 26", and a robin hood. I took a couple pics of the...
  8. N

    First Time Boardtracker

    I've been stalking all of you guys for a few months now trying to figure out how to build one of these board trackers. I think I am ready to go for it. I'll have to figure some stuff out along the way, but that's the fun of it, right? I just pick up my frame. A 1930's Schwinn. Beautiful bike...
  9. dasmo

    Finally I say hello

    Hi motorbicyclers, I've hung around here for a bit and used the resources here a number of times. Thank you! I thought I would finally say hello and post a pic of my bike. It's on it's second engine (that works much better than the first) ((a Grubee Skyhawk)) and it is pretty...
  10. S

    Motoring in alaska!!!

    I am pretty new at this bike stuff, I have always been a car person. I still love the classics, I have a 52 chevy deluxe and a mint 79 ford f250. My father-in-law built a bike and when I rode it I had to have one! I have ordered my engine (grubee) and I am currently looking for a bike. Want to...