
  1. B

    Question about lights in CA

    Do I need them in California? So far I’ve found conflicting arguments about if I do or not. As of now I have a horn, mirror, plate, helmet, and a class M. I do not want to have to install an extra generator in my bike just to get lights I will use in bright daylight just to find out I might not...
  2. B

    66cc 2-stroke legality in CA

    I overlooked the CA DMV specification and something caught my eye. A "motorized bicycle" or "moped" is: A two or three-wheeled device, capable of no more than 30 mph on level ground, and equipped with: - Fully operative pedals for human propulsion. - A motor producing less than two gross...
  3. B

    Idaho Law Clarification / My First Motorized Bicycle

    Hello! This is by first time on! I live in Idaho and I am currently a Senior attending High School. For my senior project I made my first ever Motorized Bicycle! :) ( nothing special though, just a simple Chinese 2 stroke 49 cc engine. I figured I'd start out cheap with my...
  4. B

    Idaho Law Clarification / My First Motorized Bicycle

    Hello! This is by first time on! I live in Idaho and I am currently a Senior attending High School. For my senior project I made my first ever Motorized Bicycle! :) ( nothing special though, just a simple Chinese 2 stroke 49 cc engine. I figured I'd start out cheap with my...
  5. L

    Ever been run off a road?

    I've been run off the road twice now in the last few years.. keeping over close to the shoulder to alow cars to get by.. where most drivers will move a bit over to be safe, both my hit and run drivers didn't think I had the right.. I can only guess, and ran me off in to the curb where I crashed...
  6. W

    Ohio moped ( motorized bike) licenses

    Hi does anyone know the laws for a motorized bike i built in ohio? Do you know if i have to get it registered or if i can get it registered? And if so how? And what are the requirements to get it registered? If anyone can help I would appreciate thanks.
  7. Sockfire (Chris)

    Pennsylvania Title 75 Laws ... Confusing much?

    I'm investigating legally of motor driven bicycles and I came across this in PA's Title 75 Vehicle Code; Chapter 11 § 1102. Vehicles not requiring certificate of title. No certificate of title is required for: (1) A vehicle owned by the United States unless it is registered in this...
  8. C

    Pulled over in NC

    Well, looks like my days of riding my bikes around town may be over, at least for now. I certainly knew they were numbered from the start. Finally got pulled over today on my 66cc OCC Stingray. .shft. I was about 100 feet from my house and had been riding for about 20 seconds and looked behind...
  9. J

    Laws for San Diego, California?

    Hey, before I build a bike I was wondering about the laws here in SD, how old do you need to be to drive one, or is it any age, when is qualified as a moped? I am not old enough to drive yet but I really want a motorbike. Most everything i have seen says it doesn't matter how old you are but I...
  10. S

    Moped/Mofa Laws/Regulations in Germany

    Hi, I hold an american drivers licence and I am moving to Berlin. Before I move I am installing a motor kit into my bicycle. I have a few questions regarding laws to ride it in public roads. 1) Should I get a 50 cc or 80 cc? 2) Since I have a drivers licence already what else will I...
  11. JaxInsany

    Oregon Moped Law

    Hello Community! I am just finishing up my motorized bike and am confused by the local DMV laws that say all motorcycles and mopeds require lights all over the place, including headlight, tail light, turn signals, a brake light, and even a horn! I'm guessing that still applies to motorized bikes...
  12. F

    Anyone RIDE a gas bike in NJ??

    Looking to chat with any members that ride a gas motor bicycle in NJ. If so, are you familiar with the laws and or regs regarding such? I want to build a bike but I cannot find any way to confirm wether or not it is legal or able to be insured and registered..... If you did manage to get your...
  13. B

    General Questions concerning rules/laws.

    Hello everyone, I've been considering making a motorized bicycle. Reason being is I can't obtain my license at the moment. I'm 16 and was wondering if you needed a Driver's License and/or insurance in order to drive a motorized bicycle in the state of CA. Basically, what is necessary in order to...
  14. M

    florida?legal or not?

  15. N

    NY laws on motorize bikes?

    Hi everyone, I would like to buy a engine online for my mountain bike but Im not sure if I need to get a license or registration. the engine i wanna get is prob 40 - 50 cc, (I have read that anything under 49cc you don't need anything, Is that true? I really dont want to do any legal papers...
  16. FPSaustralia

    [B]Dose any one konw the law in QLD? [/B]

    hey i was wondering if any one konw tha motoredbycles laws in QLD in auz ? :) .duh.
  17. RockLobster2402

    IN New Orleans, Do I need INS? Special License?

    Milton,, aka--rocklobster2402 I am Glad to find this forum, as I am about to buy a kit off of E-bay, in the next week or 2, Does anyone know the laws here in New Orleans,LA. such as Liab.. insurance? Special motor bike license? I know it is probably different from state to state, where...
  18. N

    so confused on legal issues in CA

    ok so i hear alot of people saying you need registration and plates and have to fill out the 230 form, others say nay, i just found this on the dmv website "Motorized Bicycles There are two definitions of motorized bicycle (moped). A motorized bicycle is: A two- or three-wheeled device...
  19. B

    Motorized Bike Chicago Law

    Has anyone had any problems with police in Chicago? I know the general rule is 49cc and under, something like not going over 25 mph, and probably some EPA stuff. Is there anything else to look out for?