
  1. R

    650cc 111hp 4cylnder trike ?

    So I can get a 600cc motor that pushes 106whp at 300km/h in a go cart was thinking about building a trike with 2x2 tue 1/4" wall and cr500 weels on the rear Any thoughts or ideas
  2. J

    66cc China Girl Motor runs too rich at low throttle, can't adjust anymore!

    Hi eh! Just got my China Girl ticking, it uses the stock exhaust and NTTC (NT?) carburetor with stock air cleaner, the square black plastic one. I'm using the stock 10-tooth engine output sprocket and 44 tooth rear sprocket. Initially, it ran extremely rich. It wouldn't even fire at all...
  3. J

    Cast iron-lined cylinder available for Grubeesque 2-stroke?

    Howzitgoin' eh! Newbie here... I got 2 of these engines and a pile of spare bits for 100 bux, for a rebuild, one good engine and one scrap. The good engine was dismantled, cleaned, fiddled with, and is now reassembled and I'm tidying up the loose ends now to install it in my Sekine 26" bike...
  4. FPSaustralia

    NOS!! is it good for the 66cc engine ?

    cvlt1 hey i was thinking of getting a nos kit .. For my Bike ... And do they work very well .. THnks ... this is some on the kits .. http://www.kingsmotorbikes.com/nitrous-kit.htm thnks Please Reply :) .xx.
  5. P

    Hello from Tassie.

    Hello, I'm Purrs, I'm 16. My Hobbies include such wonderful things as: Making things from wood. Stepladders, etc. Playing with fire, although less so now. Hugging people. I like cats and vodka. :3 I tend to be very blunt and to-the-point, and I have a dark sense of humor...
  6. donphantasmo

    Finally finished (for now)

    After a few weeks of tinkering with the bike, and after a helpful hand from Rolo (Harris), the bike is ready. I got the bike from a little unknown store, it's called (excuse the spelling if I'm wrong), Wal-Mart. I talked the salesman down to 104 dollars. I called Piston bikes, got a 66cc kit...
  7. Ruby478

    Who sells better 66cc motors?

    im looking for a new 66cc motor the one i have is from gasbike and its a piece of crap I need a motor thats gonna last me the long haul any suggestions on vendors especially if they sell just the motor
  8. B

    Loss of power after I gain speed

    I've had a 66cc skyhawk for a couple days and have been tweaking different things so it would actually run. Each time i have taken it out it starts and accelerates fine but once I get up to speed it starts to slow down, regardless of throttle use. The only way to keep it going is to back off the...