Number 5

It’s nice to have everything cleaned and painted and already fit up, it makes reassembly so much easier and faster. I installed the engine, rear wheel drive chain, belts and exhaust. I have everything adjusted and tight.
Thanks Eddy. The frame and fork is a flat gunmetal grey and everything else is a high gloss grey. I was hoping that the red and silver pinstripes along with the gloss black accessories would look good together. So far I like it.
Got the gas tank pinstriped and mounted today. I want it in place to decide on name script stencil location. Probably won’t have the stencil until next week. Darn lighting makes the rear fender appear distorted, it’s really not.
One more little detail i added today while I was waiting for the paint to dry. I took the chrome knob off and glass beaded a “B” on it, then used cold bluing to darken it a little.
It looks brown because I was holding a sheet of cardboard behind me to block the reflection of my ceiling lights.
Hope you don't mind OB, I posted a photo of your machine on a wood boat forum thread about motorcycles. Almost immediate positive reactions.
I knew they would, they liked my Flyer.
I am eagerly awaiting the finished tank graphics.

Thanks Tom, you can share it anywhere you like. I can’t wait to get the tank done either, I want to get this out and ride it.
On a side note, it’s going to have to warm up a lot from today and tomorrow. Single digit temps with below zero wind chills and 6” snow on the ground.
LOL, Ya much warmer here, it is -19 with -30 wind chill, but you know what, there is some guys riding regular bikes. Must be there only transpertation, and one rides one of the newer electric, with the fat 20" wheels. They are well bundled up of corse.
Your bike is looking super nice, giving me a kick in the rear to get going on one of mine.....Curt
I had to go out of town this morning for a VA appt and it was -14 when I left. I hate winter more and more the older I get, but I’m not really looking forward to high humidity and temps in the summer either ! I really love spring and fall the best.
You can go stealth from above with that shade on the headlamp. I always liked the lens diffraction type you have. I had that on the bike DC generator that rubbed the side wall of a tire, for front white and rear red incandescent bulbs.

Sweet Ride!

Make a chaff sprinkler and your all set.

Is there anything inside if somewhat hollow, what is supporting the engine below it?

The bike is marvelous!
Well OB "Bill" the tank graphics are fineskind and the completed machine is a Masterpiece. You got to get out as the weather warms and show off.
The Harley people will be blown away with the spirit of the by gone tribute.

One thing in the completed machine and then looking in early photos, I noticed your bike has an internal throttle cable actuator ala Harley.
Would you like to inform us as to that throttle came about, and how it was installed in the handle bar end?
