Site getting crazy


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2020
When I first joined this forum, things were civilized and friendly. As of late it appears that we have no moderators or administrators. I’m tired of trying to follow threads that are constantly getting hijacked with all kinds of unsolicited garbage that has no bearing on the thread. I also am fed up with some of the threats and name calling going on. I therefore am not going to participate anymore with my builds. You all have fun destroying a once good forum.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
There is a report button at the bottom of every post. That leads to @erics and he will look into it. These fellas stop by to rile things up every so often and us leaving doesn't help straighten things out.


I already reported the worst posts, & also PM'd Eric about making some minor changes.
This new guy didn't stop by just to rile things up; he's just some random nutter who flew in the door...
(Hopefully all the nutters will be gone soon). laff

We've been very fortunate around here that for a very long time we haven't had any serious drama that needed moderation... I think that says a lot about how good this group really is!


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Nate is no longer a part of this forum. Please let his threads die. Keeping them here to preserve the threats made in case of future issues. I don’t know if deleted stuff is stored or not, I’ll leave it up to the big guy. @erics

I have the power to clean spam. Nobody can see user IPs except administrators and moderators.

I’m not a moderator but I do not feel this forum needs it. I believe in free speech no matter how ugly it is or how much you don’t like it.

@ImpulseRocket this forum is not the other forum where a member can get banned for telling somebody their disc rotors are backwards or that bicycle mag wheels are dangerous. Please refer to my thread to understand what a forum shouldn’t look like. I don’t know what you’re doing here, but we don’t want your kind of moderation over here either.

In fact a quick search of your whopping 3 messages shows you are here for nothing other than stoking more drama. You have not participated or helped in any discussion and I feel it may be good to ban you too. However unlike the other forums moderation practices I believe in free speech. I shouldn’t be nice to you but I will anyway. Just stick to your forum with zero master builders. Thanks

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
When I first joined this forum, things were civilized and friendly. As of late it appears that we have no moderators or administrators. I’m tired of trying to follow threads that are constantly getting hijacked with all kinds of unsolicited garbage that has no bearing on the thread. I also am fed up with some of the threats and name calling going on. I therefore am not going to participate anymore with my builds. You all have fun destroying a once good forum.
A forum is never going to be perfect. The demoralization of America and generally the West is largely to do with it. If you think this is bad, go join some groups on Facebook. I have a very thick skin and do quite a bit of trash talking myself. The nutters do seem to have drug problems. But I’ll take a nutter on weed over a Nate on antidepressants and crank every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Tom from Rubicon

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Rubicon, Wisconsin
Per Tony " You’re not a builder so what are you? "
My money is on troll from the other forum. Just ignore. The thread may be contaminated, but you don't have to read it. If Eric would do us the kindness.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Per Tony " You’re not a builder so what are you? "
My money is on troll from the other forum. Just ignore. The thread may be contaminated, but you don't have to read it. If Eric would do us the kindness.

No not a troll. The other site is like the motorized bicycle social club whereas this site is the master builders club. It’s the social club site culture spilling over into the master builders culture. Was bound to happen soon as they started banning people.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I came here from the other site pretty quickly after joining it. You couldn't mention anything however inoccent and you were banned for a given time if not permanently. Someone mentioned the other forum, this one, and I started looking and found it and peace of mind.

This forum was originally started by a few guys who couldn't stand the 'ruling monarchy' on the other site! (Everyone seems to have the same story about them). laff