Bike stopped running after chain snapped.


New Member
I ride my 80 cc motorized bike about a 10 mile round trip, got a block from my house the chain snapped got it home replaced the link lubed up the chain and everything and the motor wouldn't start. It has spark, getting gas , piston is moving correctly but it's like the clutch is still engaged somewhat it rolls freely without pressing the clutch in. I've seen where people say it's the woodruff key but I don't think it is and half the time the buckling bar won't go in all the way sometimes it does and I've tried adjusting the clutch and the flower but but no luck any help would be appreciated! The Motor is only about a month old
I suggest removing the side covers from the engine, & then roll the bike back & forth & try to find where the sprockets or gears aren't rotating (when they should be)... Then zero in on the problem.
When i push the bike all the gears move freely. None get stuck or anything like that. It's when I put it all back together and push it it just goes and won't get fire it seems like. I know the bike shouldn't move freely without the clutch pushed in. I've checked everything like the gears and spark,gas all that but no luck. The only thing that happened was the chain snapped I replaced the link and spayed wd-40 on the chain and sprocket
When i push the bike all the gears move freely. None get stuck or anything like that. It's when I put it all back together and push it it just goes and won't get fire it seems like. I know the bike shouldn't move freely without the clutch pushed in. I've checked everything like the gears and spark,gas all that but no luck. The only thing that happened was the chain snapped I replaced the link and spayed wd-40 on the chain and sprocket

What I'm trying to say is this... Don't just look to see if all the gears are turning; look to see if all the center shafts are also turning with the gears, (& go all the way down the line to see the piston moving up & down)!

And if you get all the way down the line & the piston is still moving normally; maybe you somehow lost compression?
Okay thank you for the help. Everything seems to be moving fine but I can say I was riding about a week before it shut down for good and my head came loose so I went home and tightened the head bolts down with some thread locker maybe that has something to do with it ?
Take off the magneto cover and see if it is spinning when you push the bike with the clutch out, like Norm said if the gears on the clutch side are turning but the magnet doesn't you have sheared a key under the small gear.
Some of these motors come with the piston backwards and catch a ring and lock up... Or the g clips pop out.. I would take it apart and probably find other things that aren't right with it... Or it's built with so much compression it's going to take some effort to kick over... Then a decompression valve for a husky with a 10mm to 14 adapter on a dual plug head would be something...
Thanks guys for the help. I think I found the problem I took the head off and seen the rings just fell to the ground in pieces and the piston looks like this. So would that be what causes it to just move freely and not start?


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Just cheap parts might have been broken from factory... I like the Cabor rings... And "C" clips 10mmx 1.0... CR10x14x15 bearing... Malosi 10x38mm pin... On a new jug and piston... Make shure the pins are twords the intake side of the jug... As previous posted ;)


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These motors are made for a 'happy time' around the block and then done... To get a 'long time' out of it takes some work before ever getting it on the bike
Pick up a piston and ring set with gaskets. Aside from the proper diameter piston you need to check whether you have a low or high pin piston. Looks to me yours is low but do a reality check.
Yes I figured it out it was definitely the piston and rings I ordered new one but I got a high pin one so waiting on the refund to get right one thanks everyone for the help! I have one other question it might be a dumb one but would it be possible to solder a ring together the ring only has a little slash mark dug in it I was thinking of putting some solder and Sanding it flush with the rest of the ring just to do some test not for a long term thing does anyone think that'd work out ?
Yes I figured it out it was definitely the piston and rings I ordered new one but I got a high pin one so waiting on the refund to get right one thanks everyone for the help! I have one other question it might be a dumb one but would it be possible to solder a ring together the ring only has a little slash mark dug in it I was thinking of putting some solder and Sanding it flush with the rest of the ring just to do some test not for a long term thing does anyone think that'd work out ?
Get the Cabor rings or any rings for a 47x1.5 mm... HL supply...
Unless you want to do nothing but fix on your motor... Fixing the broken ring is one thing deburring the slag out of the cylinder that caught it is going to save you from this all over again... Change your approach to try and find and fix as many $2 problems as you can before running it again...
Likely one of the most definitely NO answers you could get.
I tried it out, it took a few trys to get it perfect and flush but once I did I put it back together and honestly it runs better than it did from the factory. And it starts so easy and again I wanted to just do this until my new rings came in to diagnose anything else that could be wrong just in case it wasn't the only problem. But I will definitely not be keeping them on here but maybe keep them in my bike bag Incase something happens on the road
I tried it out, it took a few trys to get it perfect and flush but once I did I put it back together and honestly it runs better than it did from the factory. And it starts so easy and again I wanted to just do this until my new rings came in to diagnose anything else that could be wrong just in case it wasn't the only problem. But I will definitely not be keeping them on here but maybe keep them in my bike bag Incase something happens on the road
There trash and you got really lucky it didn't do more damage...
Im having trouble figure out if my piston should be a low or high pin Ive ordered two and they must be wrong any way of knowing without tools to measure it?