For sure!
This is where you will find the needle, with the aforementioned clip:
Where the throttle cable goes into the carb, there is a cap that threads onto the Carb body (seen in the above pic)
After unthreading that cap, the throttle Slide(the round gray bit with the needle sticking out of it), the "jet neddle" (the needles official name) and the return spring come out.
Compress the return spring by pressing the slide up against the threaded cap and with a little persuasion the throttle cable end will protrude out the bottom of the slide, and you will be able to pull it out of its slot in the slide, and then remove the slide from the throttle cable, so you can access the jet needle.
Now that you have the needle out by itself, you will notice multiple grooves the c-clip (referred to by everyone as "the clip") can be placed in.
The higher the groove the clip is placed in, the lower the needle ends up in the "needle jet" (this is the brass well that the needle goes into, the Main Jet is threaded into the bottom of this well, the well is referred to as the "needle jet")
The lower the "jet needle" is inside the "needle jet" the leaner the Carb mixture is from idle to 3/4 throttle position. The Main Jet controls the mix from 3/4 to wide open.
We think you are lean at idle.
We would like you to lower your clip one position (making things richer) and report back the result.
I would also recommend trying all the available clip positions, to see witch one gives the best throttle response.
If you find going richer on the clip solves the idle issue, but hurt wide open throttle performance, that would indicate you need a leaner Main Jet.
All of the adjustments in the Carb overlap slightly, so changing one effects all the others, it's all about finding balance.