my first post

Crazy Horse

Hello from Crazy Horse, I hope someone here can help me I want to build a bike my first build will be a pre 1920 Indian BT-Racer thanks!
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Welcome to the forum. I was only trying to assemble something that works on my first build, reguardless of appearance. Can't wait to see your Indian.
Hi Crazy Horse and welcome. The Indian Board Tracker should be a great project. This is the place to get the build info. Good luck and hope we can help.

i built a 80cc motor kit on a mountain bike with great sucess now i'm bulinding a chopper bike got some problems with the pedel side of the bike shure hope to get some help thanks
Hey there, Crazy Horse and Billy55.
Billy, we've been having nice riding weather in Illinois this year, huh?

Pedal side? Aren't there pedals on both sides?
what i meant was the sprocket side that runs the bicycle off of the pedals. Not the motor drive side. I can't seem to get up enough speed to get the motor to turn over. It's like it locks up.