I still go to the library now and then. But I see now what I'm doing, and am no longer fooled by my nefarious plot. I'm test-driving the next few books I'm going to buy later. Oh, I tell myself I'll just read it all the way through and move on, and that line used to fool me. But not anymore.
So now, in my little mobile home (nicknamed "The Bookmobile") I have 6 six-foot-high by four-foot-wide bookcases, 7 three-footers, 2 four-footers, books on shelves of the computer desk, books on shelves of the entertainment stand, books in the closet because we need another bookcase, and books in a drawer of my wardrobe. Call me nuts (many do) but I'm happy this way. I've read nearly all of them (some are my wife's) and re-read most.
Hard drives die eventually; CDs degrade after some time; even flash drives don't last all that long. But I have held, in my gloved hands back when I lived up in Cleveland, a copy of Chaucer's Treatise on the Astrolabe! I still get chills. And I have seen but not touched a Gütenburg Bible! Books last. They don't need to be charged. They don't need to load or boot up. They provide me with a pleasing tactile sensation. They can store knowledge for as long as the material they are made of lasts. Books are one of my most favorite things. That's why I have thousands.