That's a couple of big ifs, for the two separate groups scored within the midrange class. I usually try very hard to not be a prima donna, but my engine choice is going to hinge on two sets of trophies, or one.Awesome, either motor will be a good Midrange class racer.
If we can get a good scoring crew and the co-operation of the
racers the Midrange class will have a 2nd sets of trophies for the
smaller motored and slower bikes.
Your Honda GC190 would be in the higher class and your 5hp Briggs
the lower class..
If there were two groups, I would work on the briggs and try and get it track ready. If only one set of trophies, definitely keep the Honda set up I currently have. The honda is more reliable, no sticking valves or overheating issues, but I just can't keep up with magrider or nashmoto with the honda, even though my engine has 30 more cc's than his.
Trying not to put too much emphasis on a trophy win, but it would be nice one time, probably have a better shot in a slow engine group.
Can you please explain what "the co-operation of the racers" would entail? I can understand the necessity of a scoring crew.
Thanks Neil,