This is why gloves are required to race with Socal Motor Bicycle Racing.
Full face helmet,
Eye protection,
Elbow & Knee pads,
Footwear with padding over the ankle.
is the basic minimum for your safety gear.
This pictured hand injury would have been avoided by wearing a decent
pair of gloves.
Any track riders "forgetting" any of their safety gear will be sent back
to the pits before starting and black flagged off the track if they start
a race.
This hand injury caused the cancellation of a final race.
Full face helmet,
Eye protection,
Elbow & Knee pads,
Footwear with padding over the ankle.
is the basic minimum for your safety gear.
This pictured hand injury would have been avoided by wearing a decent
pair of gloves.
Any track riders "forgetting" any of their safety gear will be sent back
to the pits before starting and black flagged off the track if they start
a race.
This hand injury caused the cancellation of a final race.