What are the classes you race? I don't see any reference to this anywhere. I might consider building a race bike, but I wouldn't know what to build.
The past race threads list the results from the different race classes.
2 stroke China girl Amateur class.
2 stroke China girl Intermediate class.
2 stroke China girl Pro class which is no longer raced.
Midrange Class which is any bike up to 8 HP. This is the most popular race class.
We had a 79cc / 99cc Harbor Freight subclass but only had about 3 entries at the last race.
11 HP class and the Unlimited Class which are raced at the same time.
What kind if bike do you have now?
Pretty much any motorized bike fits into one of the above classes and racing what you ride on the street is a great way to affordably get onto the track.
The Midrange class is going to be split into 2 classes at the next race with trophies for both. They will still be raced at the same time, just scored separately.
5 HP Briggs, Whizzers, 99cc and 79cc HF will be in the lower class.