Hey everyone. I've just finished taking apart my bike, repainting everything (semigloss black with chevy orange engine cover, bottom half of tank is orange, top is semigloss black with orange racing stripe, stand by for pics!), and I'm in the process of putting it back together. I got the Pipelyne tuned pipe and now I need a new gasket (stock one is wrong shape). Does anyone know if the liquid gasket will be able to stand up to the heat? The one I got says it can take up to intermittent temps of 700 degrees. If this will work anyone have any tips for applying it? If it won't work does anyone know what temp spec the new gasket material should be able to stand up to? Anyone know fo someplace to by a fresh patch (dax only says stock gasket and a patch the say is perfect for intake cand carb but no word on exhaust).
On a completely different note I seem to remember one of the merchants selly a "high performance" plug wire that was red or orange, now I can't find it. I could care less about performance part but It'd be cool to have orange plug wire. I tried the local auto parts store but they don't have just the wire. Anyone remember where this part was online or where I can find the supplies to build my own?
On a completely different note I seem to remember one of the merchants selly a "high performance" plug wire that was red or orange, now I can't find it. I could care less about performance part but It'd be cool to have orange plug wire. I tried the local auto parts store but they don't have just the wire. Anyone remember where this part was online or where I can find the supplies to build my own?