It has a Baby Bee light under the seat. I also use a quick release tail light for night riding. I am not sure what route I will go with the exhaust. I am happy with this bike for the most part. It was a fun first build. As for the tensioner, I have an awesome piece made by KW Machine Works. He is still finishing up the final touches on it. I just got too anxious and put the stock tensioner on so I could get some wind in my face!
There has been a lot of local interest in the bike. I want to get a few more personal builds under my belt. Then maybe start selling/building some bikes locally.
I have some other bikes in the wings waiting their turn. I have a Nirve Cannibal on the way, a Firmstrong Urban stretch and I have an O.G. Black Cherry Dyno Roadster. The wife has pretty much claimed the Dyno though. What can I say, she has good taste in bikes!