This is not something I typically do and I feel bad about it. I purchased a boxer minus fork and engine. I paid for my bike on Nov 29th and was told I would receive everything in about three weeks. I was told it shipped around the 15th. I waited a week or so and didn't receive anything. Called Dean quite a few times and finally got him. That ended up being someone else's. No big deal. People make mistakes. He said it would be another week. Waiting on a sprocket. Thats fine. Weeks went on and he told me he was waiting on the stiffer spring for the rear shock. Still didn't receive anything. I finally received the frame, pipe, and swingarm on Jan 10th. I called Dean because I was expecting all of my parts. Not just these and he said he sent me those parts so I could get started. Ok cool. He told me the rest of the parts went out two days after. The frame shipped on the 3rd so I should have received everything. I have not been able to get ahold of him. I have been extremely understanding and accommodating during this process but have not lost my patience.
I do want to say that I think he is a good guy. Just not very organized. I really just want this taken care of and receive all of my parts. Has anyone else experienced this or am I overreacting?
I do want to say that I think he is a good guy. Just not very organized. I really just want this taken care of and receive all of my parts. Has anyone else experienced this or am I overreacting?