What's your bike's theme song?



New Member
Jul 15, 2011
I've always given my vehicles a theme song based on what I was listening to when I first drove it.

Motorbikes are probably a little too loud for most types of portable audio (unless you use headphones), but I cranked up my phone & put it in my shirt pocket & tried anyway. When the bike started for my first run, the farty metallic rumble cut off "Channel 5" by Deadbolt. Then I almost did a wheelie into a parked van. The bike wasn't road ready, & I didn't know how to drive it yet. Great song, but apparently not the right one.
Today I figured it out & fixed the problems. The last thing I heard was "Midget" by Devo before the bike started & I took my first real ride. I got about 5 miles & home with no real problems, so I figure that must be the one.

Anybody else got a theme song for their bike/s?


Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Good idea for a thread-

I got the 50 cc going again and I'm thinking "This thing sounds like an old song I used to hear back in the 60's- What is it? I didn't know the title but I'd heard it at Starbucks, I finally searched it down on youtube- so here's the song my Huffy 50 cc actually SOUNDS like accelerating: The Beau Brummels-"Just a little"
The Beau Brummels - Just A Little - YouTube

My 66 I just picked one- something similar - and because it's soo damn fast nobody's gonna follow me and because small minded people are still hassling me over a flood settlement in Indiana now 3 1/2 years after the flood-and I'm never going back to Nashville anymore.
So my 66 Micargi's theme is: Just Walk Away Renee- The Left Banke
Walk Away Renee - The Left Banke - YouTube

If we had a Motorbicycling theme in general I think it should be the very first 45 record I bought for myself when I was 10 or 11: "I Get Around" by The Beach Boys
Beach Boys - I Get Around - YouTube
Cause Indianapolis USED TO rock....


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
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Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
The beast has no particular theme song... I wouldn't dare plug my ears with music, I ride in traffic too much (or in too much traffic). I listen to the jukebox in my head all the time though. I have way too much storage space in my brain filled with classic rock... in addition to some of the above, Jimi Hendrix, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steppenwolf work well, and a few others.. Running a lot of Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Kenny Wayne Shepherd in the mix lately as well.


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Well, I'm afraid my old bike's theme would have been Journey's "Wheel in the Sky". (It lost in an accident with a Ford F-150).

But, so far, the new bike's theme is Beach Boy's "Fun, Fun, Fun!".


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Rosebud Texas
The "Weasel's" theme song is, Dah dah dah dahhhh. On a dim day it's, Lah lah lah lahhhh. On a rainy day it's................