Things I Hate About Riding My Motorized Bicycle


HS Math Teacher
Jun 17, 2008
I hate it when I am in the middle of the lane, traveling 32 in a 30, and some $#@%@ feels they must pass me b/c I'm on a bicycle. A lot of times, they pass real close and scare the bajeebas outta me!

Who's with me?:crash:


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate it when I'm at a stop light and the pull so close they give me no room to get pedaling. I'm always worried about bumping into them.

Or when you are in the bike lane and they are over the white line in the bike lane.

Here in AZ the law is, you MUST pass bicyclist with at least three feet. When ever I am driving and if at all possible I will switch lanes and if traffic is clear I will even get my left tires on the opposite lane.

But the one thing I hate the most in the city bus drivers...they DO NOT obey the three feet law. Just yesterday I yelled at a bus driver along Grant. Just wait till I get video of them and pass it along to someone who will let everyone know how bad they drive.


Custom MB Buiilder
May 7, 2008
Houston, Texas
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate it when I run out of gas and Just bought a gallon of milk and 1/2 gallon of ice cream and I know I have almost 5 gallons of premix sitting on the back porch. Just happened! rotfl Hurricane IKE is scarring me to death!
Not good.


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
Deerfield, NH
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate it when I get so used to driving forever on a tank of gas that suddenly I run out 10 miles from home and cannot find a gas station that sells 2-stroke oil for air cooled engines so I have to pedal all the way back home swearing I will get around to carrying the list of emergency items. I also hate narrow shoulders that do not give a car three feet to pass if there is any opposing traffic. I felt bad for a dump truck that lost all his speed when he slowed down to wait for oncoming traffic then he had trouble passing me. I actually caught back up to him before we hit the top of the hill.


Sep 8, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

That thing looks like the one I bought on Ebay. I had to really do a bunch of things to make it fit. How did you make out? I enlarged the sprocket hole, made a spacer to mount the rear out away from the aircleaner/seat post, had to mount a little peddle sprocket to put the motor at a reasonable height. Trackfodder


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate when teenagers think is funny to pass me real close, then scream for me to get out of the way. That always comes as a shock to me. Good thing it's hard to mount a shotgun on a bike.

Can you image what the recoil would be like rofl


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate when teenagers think is funny to pass me real close, then scream for me to get out of the way. That always comes as a shock to me. Good thing it's hard to mount a shotgun on a bike.

Can you image what the recoil would be like rofl
About over a year ago I had some guy hanging out of his window screaming "fairracing sucks, fairracing sucks!" rotflrotfl

To this day have no ideal who he was or if he really meant it or was being funny :confused:


New Member
Jul 13, 2008
Sonora Ca.
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

Good thing it's hard to mount a shotgun on a bike.

Can you image what the recoil would be like rofl
4/10 little recoil. Piece of pluming pipe mounted on handle bars. End cap with ...

dang sometimes my mind scares me rotfl


New Member
Jul 22, 2008
Beverly, MA USA
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

Recently I got passed far too close for my liking by a couple of SUVs with young drivers with cell phones shoved in their ears. So I'm going to get one of those airhorns you see at soccer games and mount them up on the front end and let out a long blast when some butt head gets too close- that stuffs loud. I'd love to see the darn cell phones made illegal while driving like in NH. Down here in MA people seem to take it to the extreme, cell phone in one hand, cigarette in the other with a cup of dunkin's. Who's actually driving ? Who knows I sure as h3!! don't.

I dated this idiot in college who used to think it was real fun to hang out the window and yell at bikers. The first time it happened I was driving (my car freaking mooch) and we pulled over and had a real loud argument, needless to say the relationship didn't last too long. I ended up being pretty good friends with the biker who passed us as we had the argument. He was the president of the college bike club.

As for the shot gun, why not get some of those any side up road thorns? Razor sharp and used by the cops? You could even tose those out ahead of you or to your left as you were passed, not that I'm suggesting you do anythign illegal.


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I hate it when I am in the middle of the lane, traveling 32 in a 30, and some $#@%@ feels they must pass me b/c I'm on a bicycle. A lot of times, they pass real close and scare the bajeebas outta me!

Who's with me?:crash:
What you're riding is a bicycle, not a motorcycle. Whatevery speed you're traveling you should be far enough off the side of the road that drivers of cars will have no trouble passing you. If you're not, you are the one at fault, not them for wanting to pass you.


Custom MB Buiilder
May 7, 2008
Houston, Texas
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

A tube of BB's dropped in front bounce just high enough to get their attention, but you better have a side street to duck down on. Sometimes they come back! A junk car can out run a new bike!!!


New Member
Aug 31, 2008
High Plains Desert, Roy UT
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

What really works, and it does keep people away from you, and you need to really have some guts to stand your ground to make it work!
First off, you need to use large marbles, make a marble cannon on your bike and be prepared to shoot when needed. Best deal is to boil your marbles and then put them in a bowl of ice water, this causes the marbles to shatter inside out. The cannon will use compressed air or a Co2 cartridge. When some one causes you harm and tries to run you off the road, you just hit the trigger and launch a marble at their window. It shatters the window and the evidence shatters with the window too. You need to make the cannon inconspicuous, like mounting a front carrying rack over the cannon, and hide the air bottle in a bag, this way no-one will ever see it coming.
I use to carry marbles in a bag in Florida for anus drivers on my bike. I would toss the marble up over my head and it always would smash the front windshield, they would pull over and check out their car, but never suspected what just happened to them. it was always blamed on a passing truck or another car. You can mount one of these cannons out of the trunk of your car too, it makes a great tool for tail gaiters. Goes right on through the radiator and leaves big holes. :cool:



New Member
Aug 16, 2008
Deerfield, NH
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

That thing looks like the one I bought on Ebay. I had to really do a bunch of things to make it fit. How did you make out? I enlarged the sprocket hole, made a spacer to mount the rear out away from the aircleaner/seat post, had to mount a little peddle sprocket to put the motor at a reasonable height. Trackfodder
Hiya Trackfodder. I was not sure what you were asking until I saw your introduction post. Since you posted right after me I did not know if you were asking me or the original poster since we both have videos of our chinese conversions. As for myself, I got lucky with the kit and was able to mount it in an afternoon with few modifications.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
memphis tn
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

What you're riding is a bicycle, not a motorcycle. Whatevery speed you're traveling you should be far enough off the side of the road that drivers of cars will have no trouble passing you. If you're not, you are the one at fault, not them for wanting to pass you.
I ride for my safety NOT the rude, dangerous people that get pissed because they didn't leave early enough to get where they're going on time. If that means I claim my lane then so be it, if they don't like I suggest they don't drive.
When I drive, I will always give bikes plenty of room, if I cannot pass them safely then I stay behind them, I've got plenty of patience and I leave early so I am never rushing to get somewhere.


HS Math Teacher
Jun 17, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

What you're riding is a bicycle, not a motorcycle. Whatevery speed you're traveling you should be far enough off the side of the road that drivers of cars will have no trouble passing you. If you're not, you are the one at fault, not them for wanting to pass you.
i do ride close to shoulder when I am under the speed limit...but when I'm at the limit or faster, I ride the middle...drivers have no business passing me.;)


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

i do ride close to shoulder when I am under the speed limit...but when I'm at the limit or faster, I ride the middle...drivers have no business passing me.;)
You're right. If you're doing the speed limit, in order for a car to pass you, it would have to exceed the speed limit, which puts the car's driver at fault.
Jul 22, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

I wave cars on. It's really kinda simple to me. I think it's that the car drivers get frustrated not so much because your driving so slow as much as they don't know if YOU see THEM.
I mean if they pass you and you don't know they are there then what's to say in your euphoria we all get when we ride we decide to swing to the middle and smack?
Common courtesy is the key here. Use that side view mirror. Get one if you don't have it. When you see a car hanging behind you then pull off a bit and wave them on. Then the driver KNOWS he sees you and KNOWS that you won't swing over their way.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

Thats good advice LP. Courtesy will make us fare better than dropping bb's and shooting marbles at folks....................


New Member
Jul 22, 2008
Re: Things I Hate About Riding My MB

i always like the big 4x4 trucks that have gun it around you and hurry to the next stop light and usually i can time the lights just right and switch lanes and hit the light green . pulling in the clutch and reving the little two stroke till its hearts content. :D nuttn worse that gettn passed by a bike pullin a weiner dog in a trailer