Hi Guys, I like the 4-stroke in the frame, I just did not like the Chinese gravel-grinder transmixers they came with! Call me old-fashioned, buy the only whining and growling I am used to comes from INSIDE the house, NOT out on a ride!
BUT, I have been exposed to a rumor, that EZ Motorbike will soon be releasing some phase 1 kits, and thiers is guarenteed to be quiet and smooth.
At this time, it would seem that you could install an in-frame 4-stroke, and have a smooth Silent-Power transmission, with the little 4-stroke, snuggled down in the frame, right where it belongs!
I am excited to see one myself, and surely will be ordering one so that I'l be able to see for myself!
I like both quiet and noisy exhaust on 4-stroke, and now if the muffler is quiet, I will not have to listen to what sounds like a tin-can full of howling cats!
I'm excited! this guy did not bring it
, tho maybe the New Year guy will?