riding with Veniceboy



LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Oh boy did we have fun Gabe and I hooked up with ""Venice boy" we rode his bikes from his house to Venice beach took the scenic route going there Norm took me past the site of the OJ Simpson killing past his old high school where we got hoots and hollers from the kids I think they liked the bikes.
I rode Norms Voodoo chopper bike it was different a little squirrelly for me but I did ok on it almost dumped it one block from his house on the return trip I was looking back to see if Gabe was still with us and I went into the tank slapper mode but recovered with out wreaking.
Back to the trip. We ended up on the boardwalk at Venice beach where I had to buy a sweat shirt (long sleeve) it was getting a little cold for me. We went to one of Norm's favorite bars at the beach ate lunch then headed for home (Norm"s place) we were bombarded with questions about the bikes where ever we went Norm handed out his card to people heck he might get a buyer on one of his cool bikes. Going back to Norms house we rode in some heavy traffic at least for me it was.
splitting lanes rode pretty fast at least as fast as the bike would go, Gabe kind of held us up he's new to riding a motorized bike.
After we got back Norm showed us the bike hes building for the build off. It is going to be one sick looking bike. I didn't have a camera with me but Norm did so if he gets time maybe he can post a photo of us. We didn't do any photos on the ride we were all busy riding I was trying to keep up and not get run over plus not being used to how his chopper handled I was one busy old fart.
If you ever get a chance to meet Venice boy do it!! He's one cool dude plus has some very nice looking bikes. I got to say this was one cool trip for me meet a few of the gang here on the forum.
Thank you again Norm (Venice Boy) for letting us ride your bikes I'll remember this trip for a long time.
Lord Vader

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
It was real kewl meeting you & Gabe!! I hope all that racing through LA traffic didn't scare you. laff
Here's the pics....

Above, Two guys named Norm.
Below, Gabe & Norman.


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Not too much scrapping my little fingers on the mirrors of cars was interesting as we rode
past them. Gabe said we made good time in all that traffic if we had been in a car
we wouldn't have made it back to your house at fast as we did.
The only bad part was when I looked back to see where Gabe was I had the bike do a handle
bar shake that almost threw me off we weren't a block from your house.

We both had a blast with you we will have to get together again sometime get you to come over
to his studio and we can go over to the little bar that is there they have good pizza.
Its a old brewery that's been made into studios all kinds of artists are there.
Or get together at Venice Beach I still like to go there. Hit that little bar again that was a cool place.
Thanks again!!! Norm I'll not forget it for a long time.