cruiser's cruiser with a bicycle engine


Well-Known Member
nothing fancy but rides nice. added a duel break lever which operates both front and rear breaks at the same time and a 40 tooth sprocket. i use the motor bicycle to just cruise around in the country and also for comuting back and forth to work
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Very nice cruiser, Cruiser.
Did you have to heat your exhaust to bend it, or did you fight it the old fashioned way?
actually i bent my crank out a little. i could not get the exaust to bend. i took the pedel of and i put a pipe on the crank and bent it out about a half inch and worked great.
Very fine bike. I just ordered the dual brake lever....I couldn't take it any longer.
i think the schwinn jaguar was a good choice. had to make modifications to the engine kit mounts but pretty easy to adapt to the frame.
Now you got me to laughing!!! rotfl rotfl rotfl
But the decal has got to go. We could make one of your own but it should be in flames and look cool. not wossy like that other what ever its called place where the tumble weeds won't stay and the wind never blows. Sounds like a place to stay away from to me. rotfl I like a breeze and some weeds. cough, cough, I mean seeds.
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laughing to hard to type. next one i will paint which i hope gets here in the mail this week. 1 gallon tank (^)
nothing fancy but rides nice. added a duel break lever which operates both front and rear breaks at the same time and a 40 tooth sprocket. i use the motor bicycle to just cruise around in the country and also for comuting back and forth to work

Have you got a shifter on this one yet cruiser?
ah, that explains a lot! I envy his location. My wife and I spent a week on St. Thomas on our honeymoon, and we did NOT want to leave! Perfect place for a MB.