Merkel Board Track copy


Here we go again, new build, new thread. A friend wanted me to help him build a replica of a 1915 Merkel Board Tracker, so I donated one of the bikes I got for my last project and off we went. We made up a simple jig out of a couple of 2x4's and 'C' clamps to keep the front and rear wheels aligned in the lift and started hacking. It was a girls bike so after the dropped crossbar was removed and the lower down tube severed, we extended the wheelbase by 5", lowered the seat post by 4" and started sticking it back together again. The photo shows what we've got so far...We wanted to get the pedal gear located in a quill shaft arrangement (one shaft inside another) something like the real thing, so the old pedal carrier was too small and had to go. A new one was fabricated out of an old piece of 2" pipe. We had some difficulty trying to explain to the salesman at the local bearing supply shop what we were trying to do, so we just hit the local auto parts/ hardware store and bought the biggest ball bearings they had in stock and machined a couple of bushings to fit between the new carrier pipe and the bearings.


Very cool bike , I love the merkel . How are you gona do the tripple trees?

Thanks, got some simple, but practical ideas for the triple clamps and to keep reminding myself that this is a bicycle and not the real I'm trying to keep costs down, will post details when I get to the front end.
Here we go again, new build, new thread. A friend wanted me to help him build a replica of a 1915 Merkel Board Tracker, so I donated one of the bikes I got for my last project and off we went. We made up a simple jig out of a couple of 2x4's and 'C' clamps to keep the front and rear wheels aligned in the lift and started hacking. It was a girls bike so after the dropped crossbar was removed and the lower down tube severed, we extended the wheelbase by 5", lowered the seat post by 4" and started sticking it back together again. The photo shows what we've got so far...We wanted to get the pedal gear located in a quill shaft arrangement (one shaft inside another) something like the real thing, so the old pedal carrier was too small and had to go. A new one was fabricated out of an old piece of 2" pipe. We had some difficulty trying to explain to the salesman at the local bearing supply shop what we were trying to do, so we just hit the local auto parts/ hardware store and bought the biggest ball bearings they had in stock and machined a couple of bushings to fit between the new carrier pipe and the bearings.



Goldy, suggestion if you haven't already thought of it, maybe you can fabricate some faux fake side covers to fill in the drop loop thereby hiding the empty space under the engine, will look similar to the original Merkel in the photo above.

See forum member cobraphreak's Indian Tribute, notice how he made faux fake side covers to resemble an orignal engine case that fill's the drop loop under the 2-stroke China girl engine here's the Link below. 1911-indian

Again your choice of a Merkel Tribute motorized bicycle is awesome!

Peace Crazy Horse. brnot
Way ahead of you with the side fillers to take up the space in the loop...I've already got some aluminum plate all ready to cut to shape when the time comes :), but don't think for even a second that I don't appreciate the suggestion. Any input on anything in the build will be more than welcome...the more ideas, the better the results.
Cant wait for more pics.... dont tease us LOL. What are you planning to do with the drive system. Will you have the same setup as the BSA copy?
I'm going to do something similar to the BSA drive system (which I was out riding around on!), but I as I mentioned, I want the pedals to be concentric with the primary reduction. Be patient with me...I haven't made any more progress since the last posting...busy with real motorcycles right now (that time of year), but I'll get back at it soon.
Trying to be patient but i was so impressed with your last build its hard. Ill wait as i know the results will be worth it. Take your time as it will turn out better. But ill be doing my best to push you along LOL. Cant wait to see what you come up with. I love the merkel
Concentric...well, take a look at some photos of the real will notice the primary reduction shaft also holds the pedal crank and shaft...Like I was saying before, it's sometimes referred to as a quill shaft running inside a hollow one...(this sort of arrangement is sometimes used coupled together at one end to help increase torsional flexibility without increasing shaft length...but I digress). Feel free to keep prodding me now and then, I'll get on with the build as soon as practical :)
WOW i dont think i have seen this done on a MB, very cool. If i wasnt eager to see this before. I AM NOW!!!! Is it to early to give you a prod along.... LOL JK. I cant wait to see how itll work.
Sorry Harry,
Thanks for the interest, but I'm up to my ears in motorcycles at the moment...Having said that, it's been raining like **** around these parts for the last four weeks, business is dwindling, so I may be able to get back at the Merkel again soon...will post more as soon as I do.
If the rain doesn't stop soon, I'm going to trade all my toys in for an air boat and go gator huntin'!