magicalpancake's FELT MP Morini Build


New Member

So I've finally got around to taking some pictures of my project. The bike is a FELT MP cruiser bike model. I chose the S6-T Franco Morini Motori motor which is the 5.8 HP version (comes in 3, 5.8, 10hp varieties). I have used all the information gathered from these forums to make this project so I would like to thank everyone for indirectly helping me.

Currently I have mounted the motor using some custom mounts provided by DEAN at Pipelyne.


The motor mounts didn't fit at first but that was only because I didn't provide the correct measurements for Dean. After getting the mounts back I modified the front mount brackets so the motor would lean back a bit so I could fit the expansion pipe exhaust, which is also provided by Pipelyne.

I decided against putting fuel in the top tube due to the fact I wanted a higher capacity (steel frame FELT cruiser bikes are smaller in the top tube than aluminum versions) and decided on a spun aluminum tank by Coyote Gear (google it!). I mounted the smallest tank they offered from their website. The fuel petcock valve was a brass 1/4 NPC fitting and fuel filter was from a motor bike performance shop.


The tank much bigger than I thought ~ ~ at one gallon capacity.

I actually found working LED turn signals that have a running and brake light for 7-8 bucks from (spelling?) I'm going to route everything through the frame.

The chain drive was by Ridley Motorbikes. They offer fine made Felt Cruiser motorbicycles that use the china kits and retrofitted with custom mounts/chain tensioners/sprockets/engine covers, etc. I opted to purchase their CNC machined chain tensioner and rear sprocket.


I cut the fender so it would fit. Anyone know what I can line the cut portion of the fender with so it looks nice?

The throttle setup was fairly easy and last night (not pictured) i cut the grip off a china kit twist throttle and slid the stock cruiser bike grip over it (really really hard -_-) I mounted it all up last night and it looks good.


Currently I'm waiting for my front wheel back from the bike shop. I'm having the front hub relaced for a disk brake. Welding up some mounts wont be so hard will they?

I have lots of things left to do, like a wide crank kit (just waiting for sprocket), re-routing ALL wiring/THROTTLE through frame, and well everything else. Ill post more pictures when I have the disc brake mounted.
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You can use the door edge guards they sell for car doors. Nice thing is with the amount you get for a 2 door car even if the chain wears on it you'll have enough to replace it a dozen or so times.
Looking good Deans exhaust fit that frame nicely. With that sprocket on the rear thats going to be a fast bike better hold on! Nice clean work! That Morini is gonna be fun.
Hobbie shop will have touch up paint for the fender as well as some automotive stores. For the disk brake not sure what you are using post a pict. On my build for the rear disk I will set it up with the caliper locked then weld my mounts. There are some bolt on caliper mounts out there but I am not familiar with them.

I was thinking I'd weld up some some tabs for the disk brake after I get my wheel back. We'll see how it goes. I'll probably end up getting a body shop or someplace to get the bike repainted some other color. I guess the bike is some sort of limited edition color scheme called "Rat Pack" or something like that.
Started my motor up for giggles last night. Took a bit to finally get going but once it did it was purring soooooooooo smooth :) However I have to work out some leaks. The gasket that was supplied to me from Pipelyne is leaking like a sive and so are some welds on the exhaust.

I've been waiting for over 2 weeks for a sprocket for my wide crank kit (from pipelyne). It has a fitting that looks like a hexagonal shape so the sprocket doesn't spin when you crank after it's tightened down. Can this be picked up any bike shop?

I'm patient but it's starting to wear thin. THat is with my bike running. Dean at Pipelyne is cool but I wish he was a bit more organized ~ ~
Wow, awesome MB.

Thanks! I'll be posting pictures of it soon. I'm 98% done. Just have to weld on the disc brake mount on the front fork.

Runs strong.. the gearing is a bit tall though. With the centrifugal clutch it took me awhile to realize the stock motor air intake was too restrictive for the gearing I had. 40 sprocket in the rear. Slow accel but I'm cruising at a pretty low rpm at about 40mph. I pushed it a little and I could easily pull 50 and it would seem a bit more to go ~ ~
Wow I have a Morini and you probably can do 60 on that thing with that sprocket. A real cool build --you should sell those things--but you need disc brakes front and back.Good you have your one gallon tank- i figured i use 1 litre for every 20 miles -so that is 9o mpg Canadian(Canadian gallon which is bigger 4.5litres vs 3.8 liters)probably will get 80 mpg for you using U.S. gallons.
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I haven't dared topped it out yet.. but yes.. it's easily 50mph plus .wee. I want to do a larger sprocket so it would be more fun around town. It's a nice cruiser but I haven't done the disc brake mount yet. I almost want to do front drum brake so I dont have to weld into the fork.

It's been about a month since I requested a sprocket from ole' dean at pipelyne. I'll give him a call.
Great bike!

I am sure that the front disc is going to be very useful.

Did you get the engine high enough to clear the pedals or did you use wider cranks?

I think you would really appreciate front suspension on that bike as well. It really helps with control. Especially at speed.
I haven't seen those hubs! if I had known I probably would have gone that route. Yes I need front suspension. The bike is soooooooooooo bumpy at speed.
The MP would look awesome with springer forks! Post lots of pics!

I am 4 foot 16 and a half inches tall and could not ride a Felt comfortably with a springer seat post. Works awesome for tall folks though. There are tons of them.

springer seat post - Google Search

Wish I could. Don't get no, not ever easier then swapping out a seat post.
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Man, now I can't live with out getting me an MP. Pics at the top of the thread have me drooling.

This might get us pulled over a lot but would look so kool; Riffle scabbard.

That's a nice gas tank for sure. I was wondering why it is angled as it is. If the filler were on top rather than at the side there would be a whole gallon capacity. As it is it looks like maybe 3/5 full is the most you could go. Is it so that you can swing your leg over the seat more easily? Really nice build. The motor is a dream. Personally I have no desire to go over 35 on a bicycle and even then only when I'm feeling fiesty. Sounds like the springer is a good idea and the best helmet money can buy is also a good plan. At 50 mph I think body armor would be wise. Of course I'm an old fart, so slower is better. If I were young and hadn't broken anything yet 60 would sound good. Ha. Stay safe, have fun, great bike!
Ever want to sell it call Jay Leno he can afford it.

LOL Bandito. That same thought crosses my mind. Be great advertising as Mr. Leno is on just about every car show. Ever see his early electrics? some amazing stuff!