UnDeath Race Oct. 30


Active Member
Spooky Tooth Cycles Halloween UnDeath Race October 30, 2010 at www.p1kartcircuit.com

That time of year is upon us again. If you thought the Death Race was intense, why not come try your cycle at this years UnDead Race. Preliminary plans put us racing at our favorite spot in Tucson (the infamous P1 track) on the 30th. Start tuning those carbs folks, it's gunna be another awesome day of human and gas powered MANIA!! - Spooky Tooth Cycles

Spooky Tooth Cycles - Motorized Bicycles: Gas Powered and Electric Bikes - Spooky Tooth Cycles - Motorized Bicycles: Gas Powered and Electric Bikes

Come on out and enjoy the day with other Motor Assisted Bicycle Riders.
Action packed with Motor Assisted Bicycle, Kart & Supermoto Racing

Video of last year
phpVID :: Spooky Tooth Race



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i can get my new bike built in time, but the real question is, can i make it there for this one. if everything works out, it'll be fast enough to ride it there, but i think the CHP wouldn't be too happy about a guy going down the 10 freeway at 60 on a bicycle...;)
Some of this year's featured contestants?


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I passed the roadie in the first pic,,,,
going uphill with 1 hand on the bars,
a smoke in the other hand,
and my usual carp-eating grin while I say "left",
as he huffs n puffs, feeling the burn !!! laff

I wouldn't want to race eddie tho,,,
he might sick Spot on me if'n I win ;)
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I'm ready. Just got enough batteries to go the distance. Just remember you won't hear me coming if I catch you.


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Electric is welcome in the Death Race, but it's a problem to afford enough battery to be fast and finish the race. More speed for electric is pretty easy, just throw money at it. 150v and you guys will all be slow. Whether a bike with that much battery weight can corner is the unanswered question.

All I am saying, is you can't hear an Ebike coming. Last spring all I had to bring was what I commute to work on. Now I have built a real race bike designed for the P1 track. The bike is fast, and I corner fast. Brake too hard into a corner, and you just might find me sneaking up on you. That is,,,, if you are ahead of me at all.

I am going to run with the big dogs, at least till I crash. If I stay on the track this time, look out for spring. Even faster just takes a few more hundred for the battery.
Video of Halloween DR 09

phpVID :: Spooky Tooth Race

What a fun day that was, great battle with the Blue Fox. I was sick with the flu and was coughing like crazy during the race. I thought I was gonna cough up a lung towards the end of the race lol....Good times (^)
Good Luck & be safe out there guys.
I'll catch up with ya'll in aprill. (hope I don't embarass myself hehe)
The 30th!!! I might be out there if I'm not out of town!!!

Thats great Wes, hope to see you there.

There is some talk, just to let everyone know Spooky Tooth Cycles Halloween UnDeath Race is still on.