UnDeath Race Oct. 30

Sorry guys been a little busy........
...That was the last Spooky Tooth cycles Death Race. Damn shame it was such a low turn out.

That's a shame, maybe being so close to Halloween, with people trying to get decorations/kids ready didn't help... Past races have had alot more people, eh?

If Spookies out, maybe the spring will bring a Motorbicycling.com race?

Lovin' the vids btw! Thanks.
dave31 said:
That was the last Spooky Tooth cycles Death Race. Damn shame it was such a low turn out.

care to elaborate on that Dave? let us know whats up....I have my vacation planed for the spring race. Its the unoficial world championships of motored bike racing....please say its cause the track is hosting a series or something positive & not because some lawyer thought someone might get suied...that would totaly suck & then we are outlaws again.
Well I just deleted my long reply after I thought about it....

I just dont know whats going on yet and thats all I can say.
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Well I just deleted my long reply after I thought about it....

I just dont know whats going on yet and thats all I can say.

You would also be aware anyone subscribed to the topic received your first post unedited via email...i just read it and i think you should of posted it, was well written and summed everything up well...Unfortunately it seems there isn't enough people interested for regular meetings, i guess it goes with the "territory" of motored ICE bicycles, they are often bought by individuals that haven't got alot of $$$$'s to throw around, even fewer have enough to build bikes to thrash around a track regularly...so it seems. , i do hope your able to get sponsorship so the events can continue for those interested, one person paying for the track hire medico's and trophies while extremely generous it is a big ask for regular held events... Please anyone wanting the 'Death Race' to continue, post so potential sponsors can see there is a demand, its not much but every lil bit helps...Best of luck with it all Dave and thank you for all you have done thus far it is clear that all involved in the meetings had such a great time, if no other races are held you can be proud you bought happiness to the few that have been lucky enough to make it to the events thus far...well done to all.

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Yes I know very well many will see that post, but it was too soon to post it. Give me some time to work things out. I am still very bummed out my high dollar Morini gave out...that was the reason I got it was to avoid having to replace motors and have something reliable. At least with the China girl you get your money out of it.

I am not feeling too hot to be organizing any racing right now.
I sure want some kind of racing to continue, but not by your wallet getting hit Dave.

I sure hope some others in AZ put up enough interest to let it continue. perhaps dividing into classes time has come, with those serious about an unlimited class paying up a lot more to enter. For a once a year spring event, I wouldn't blink at a $100 entry fee for the unlimited class race. 6 serious entries would help the $$$ thing.
Wow thanks guy's for all the great footage! I just got done watching all the videos. Awesome!(^)
Makes me really wish I was there..

I got a dream bike to build! Getting my money together is always a challenge. I should have it done in time for this time next year. Prolly by June I will have it crossing my fingers. Hope to get up there and meat some folks..
I will do my best to get a April race going one way or another. MHC wants more races but I just dont see a big enough turn out to do it.

If MHC is cool with one race a year then I will try to keep it going. I know MHC is expecting another race here in Jan but i think its not gonna happen unless something changes.

Stay tuned...I will always keep everyone updated.
There is an active thread on Endless Sphere about the death race also Dave, people are discussing how they can get sponsorship and $$ to help you out hopefully all involved can get the funds required so your not funding it out of your own pocket...

That's a bummer Dave, I'll definately make it out to the next event, and I'll make sure to bring a couple others from town with me!!! Let me know if you guys meet up for a local ride some weekend!!!
if i could get my bike ready trasportation and requested in advance i should be able to make it sorry ihavent been on the computer much do to work and having my anual light display / food drive well happy new year every one
I sure enjoyed the undead race. Look forward to laying rubber on the track again. I did remarkably well all things considered. I would like to see this racing continue. Pure fun! Thanks Dave31 and those that help this happen and participate. AzBill my friend Roger with the red, white, and blue bike went boating instead. However, I twisted his arm hard to show up with us on race day to no avail...You and I need to link up again soon. Maybe another ride in our near future?.crt.
You always know City of Angles you have a ride. I am real excited about DR 2011 I think its just gonna get bigger and better.

Death Race is great for just cruising around the track or pushing yourself and your bike to the limits. Death Race is a perfect event for testing MB products. There is no way to duplicate the stress of engines, bikes, high performance parts, ect. on the public streets the way Death Race does.

We plan to have other events at Death Race 2011 as well as the racing and rally. So if you dont want to race or cruise the track bring your MB and join us at MHC. A great event to meet other MB enthusiast, check out all the cool bikes. There is a lot more to DR then just racing, just ask someone who has been there.

More details later....
Coming in April so start getting ready!
sounds like you have some good stuff planned for us Dave !!!
thanks in advance for all the planning/work (^)