Will these handlebars hold up?

Better- smallest shot you can get and epoxied in.

However, I guess there may be a story out there, but I have never heard of a handlebar structural failure (mounting failure, sure).
you people wanting to dampen the vibs in the bars can do something kind of on the cheap but most will frown on this as its quite DANGEROUS.
fill the bars with melted lead you can get this at most tire stores in the form of wheel weights and lead can be melted in a steel pot over an electric stove or with a propane torch.
plug one end with a little dirt tip up on end so you can pour it and melt and pour it into the bars.
if you don't want to fill the bars then run in a plug to the depth you want and fill just the ends let them cool off and try them out.
Try to do all this out side in a well ventilated area and off the cement and in the dirt melted metal will do mean and nasty thing to cement and flesh not to mention the fumes can damage your brain but if we had any brains we would all be building and riding motorcycles and not these bicycles.
I sometimes wonder about myself but all I have to do is log in here and see I'm not the craziest SOb here on the forum just a good? instigator to get thing rolling or crashing and burning.
Better living through chemistry!!!!!!
I have a few days off so I'm cashing in on screwing off for the next 4 days.
you have a question ask me I'll either tell you the truth or lie so well you will think I'm telling the truth
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Not really sure why BB's would be a "wacky" idea... difference between it and lead shot? Could somebody please explain the science behind putting lead in the handlebars.. Putting the most dense thing in there to absorb vibrations isn't making much since to me. Wouldn't rubber or something like memory foam absorb the vibrations better? It's like putting metal in metal, the vibrations arn't absorbed, just dispersed. There has to be a way to absorb the vibrations.
I would dampen the vibrations.

You asked for help, it was just a suggestion.

I guess I should just give up trying to help, it's becoming very frustrating.
Don't listen to me- apparently others have given this a lot of thought. I simply don't have a ton of vibration coming through my bars/bike so I'm surprised folks have needed to pursue what seems to me to be a bit of an involved solution to a minor issue.

Perhaps vibration absorbing grips such as a gel grip?
it all depends on the motor, the bike, the bars, and the person. Some people need to fill them, some don't.

I think it has something to do with the weight of the bars transmitting less vibration.

Gel grips would also be a good idea methinks.
There is a science behind using lead shot as a means to dampen vibrations. Some of the finer shotguns use lead shot loose in an inner chamber in the stock to reduce recoil. The same principle will reduce vibrations.
Hey Joe, What u just wrote yesterday at 4:42 about suggestions (I guess I should just give up trying to help) on that note a little while ago I told you that GE silicone works really good on fixing gas tank leaks and that Ive been doing this for years with never any problems. Then you reply to me with I'll give it a try on something one of these days. I would not tell you something that is a hit or miss thing yet you wrote it like ( well maybe your right but I don't know) and I said to myself it ain't like Im trying to sell him something and still you doubt what I told you. and to me that was frustrating. still your friend Glenn
spend your money on a pair of tight fitting leather gloves or workout gloves this will cut down on vibes workes great .
I asked the same question and somebody suggested this part. This is what it's made for.
I forget the brand name but it could be searched


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Thanks for all the help guys. After some rubber motor mounts and a weighted bar, with gloves. I should be fine. Still curious about that lead shot though. I'll do a little research on why it actually dampens the vibration.
I'll try to explain simply how the lead shot works. Vibration is motion. Think of it as quick up and down motion. The lead shot has mass to it. That will serve to slow down that upward motion. Then when the downward motion starts the lead shot will rise. Think of a falling elevator. If it goes down faster than the force of gravity would cause it to, the shot will apply force on the upper surface and retard that motion. This will continue with every cycle of the motion. The shot will move as it's mass is affected by the vibration, but it will retard the next return motion by it's mass contacting the top of it's space resisting the return motion.
I'll try to explain simply how the lead shot works. Vibration is motion. Think of it as quick up and down motion. The lead shot has mass to it. That will serve to slow down that upward motion. Then when the downward motion starts the lead shot will rise. Think of a falling elevator. If it goes down faster than the force of gravity would cause it to, the shot will apply force on the upper surface and retard that motion. This will continue with every cycle of the motion. The shot will move as it's mass is affected by the vibration, but it will retard the next return motion by it's mass contacting the top of it's space resisting the return motion.

Ah.. icic. Thank you. Now its more clear to me. Glad somebody knew the science behind it all. I was just thinking that the density of it would like reflect the vibration more so than absorb it. But this makes since now. Thanks again.
Weight is the main thing (on m/c's weighted bar ends do the trick). But lead is also soft so it doesn't telegraph more vibrations; bbs are hard and if loose, at all, could amplify vibes