This is priceless episode II

Messin' around with these bikes I get to see a lot of cobblers' messes. Most of them aren't worth discussing...but once in awhile I run across one that is worth showing.

This customer drove all the way over from Orlando Saturday. He bought an Occ chopper and then , (unknowingly), paid some cobbler $325.00 to put an engine on it.

If this doesn't make you have NO sense of humor. I have no idea how this guy could have, in good conscience, built this.

Some people like JB weld, some people like duct tape...this guy loves large hose clamps!!!

The clutch cable is so bound-up, (form numerous kinks), that it is nearly impossible to pull the clutch lever. The throttle cable is also control...laff

To ride this would have to be prepared to change clothes every few miles, as the genius has the exhaust pipe pointing upward so that the rider can enjoy the full flavor of the ride.

The motor mount set-up is beyond comprehension. The chain/tensioner arrangement is also a disaster...the chain is running across one of the brake arms.

If you missed episode I...Here it is.



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Wow. Not only is the engine mounted by only hose clamping it into the frame, but the customer paid for it instead of beating the guy with a broken bottle.

Yeah I know...I didn't ask, but the owner of this mess probably paid the guy in advance. He answered an Orlando area Craigs list ad that offered to motorize bikes. I'm not sure who it is, but this cobbler really needs to "stop" before he gets himself in trouble!

Anyway...we will strip it back down and install a sprocket adapter and sprocket...a new motor mount...a proper chain guide...and route everything so that it works correctly. We are also going to add a front disc cost...$225.00 and the bike will be rideable!!!

Jim, in better than 40 years of restoring antique furniture I came across my share of what the heck is this. The only one that comes close to that mess is the 25 feet of wire I took out of a kitchen chair. Yes I measured it.

You got me beat hands down with that one for dumb a$$. I have finally lived long enough to see it all.

At first I thought you were gonna nit pick on someone..............but after looking at the pictures.......
Yes Sir...It is something to behold...laff

Fortunately the customer got it home and decided it might not be a good idea to try and ride it...although the builder assured him it was good-to-go. laff

Sometimes I wonder how things have gotten to this point...and then I remember that manufacturing, and How-to stuff, has been shipped abroad.

I would have known better than to build something this junky when I was thirteen...

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a wee bit of a cobbler I do like to modify things, but what the heck this is gonna hurt someone. Its one thing if I risk hurting myself, but he charged someone for this...Wth?
The pics tell the story.
Had you not posted the pics and just tried to explain in words, I would have said "this can't be true, they don't make hose clamps that BIG" and I would have been wrong again.
Hey don't make fun of my bikes.... Lol.
I wonder... Someone willcomplain and he'll day "I didn't do nuthin' wrong, just installed it MY way" lol I have to say.. I think I'd do a better Job :D
There is no other place to put his little gem of information [about my day], other than here so here goes:

This morning, I turned on my laptop and did a little internet perusing as I usually do before I go to work. I came to and saw this thread, read it, and went about my day...sort of. All day, I did nothing except obsess over my mother's Blueberry Cobbler. You know why? Because this thread used the word cobbler, which I can attest I have never actually seen written in context outside of its neighborly definition - a confectionery treasure of deliciousness. Anyways, all ended well. At around 4:30, I called my mother and asked if she had any plans for the night. She told me was sitting at home with my dad watching the Suns game, and so I begged her to make me some Blueberry Cobbler. Well, needless to say, she did, and I drove 40 miles (80 round trip) for a few servings of cobbler. I thank this thread for making my night.
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That "builder" MUST be in the running for a "Darwin Award" honorable
Charles would be proud! Too bad the "builder" didn't test ride it!
He undoubtedly (single handedly) would have vastly improved
the human race!
The pictures in this thread pritty much sum up why the legality of these kits are questionable. I can just imagine the poor guy putting along coughing and eyes watering wile the chain get thrown in the spokes. Ahhhhhh!
C'mon Creative,
Give the guy a break. Just because his build didn't have the fit and polish of your builds you can't jump all over him.

*looks at pictures*

HOLY CLAM DIP!!!! This bonehead is gonna get someone killed!!!! What planet do you come from where they think its a good idea to do this? I have almost zero mechanical skills and I could see,... with my bad eye,... across a foggy football field,... at dusk,... that this is nothing but an extended stay at the hospital for any one who dares ride it. The c.l.-er who built this abomination should be dragged behind my bike before a good long soak in lemon juice and Tabasco sauce! THIS IS WHY PEOPLE THINK OUR BIKES ARE NOT SAFE!!!

Sorry C.E. you were right for posting this. Exposing these "builders" for the scam artists they are. Before I spend a dime on one of these losers I will buy a 12 pack and invite some buddies to help me figure things out. That way if the bike won't run at least you got to hang with friends.
No doubt as soon as I chopped my chopper I agreed with myself that it is not for sale to anyone. It's called a conscience, if someone got hurt I would hate myself for it.