This is priceless!!!

Hey guys,

I guess it, "really", is going to be necessary to do a sprocket adapter install guide.

I don't think I have ever, in my life, seen anything so cobbled up as this!!!

The customer decided to play junior engineer and make the part fit by any means possible...there are holes drilled and tapped for pinch bolts...there is an unbelieveable amount of scarring in the bore do to various shims...and weld splatter on the back. Guys, you can't weld Aluminum to Steel!

It is important to measure your hub accurately. I can only go on the data you have given me. I'm not a magician.

If you buy a sprocket adapter and discover that it doesn't fit correctly...please...please...stop!!! If you made a mistake measuring your hub, there is a good chance that your adapter can be sized up and sold...provided it doesn't look like the adapter in the photos below. If Karen accidently sends you the wrong adapter, naturally you will be given the correct adapter...and compensated for the cost of shipping the incorrect part back to us. So far we have never sent anyone the wrong adapter. We mark them when they come out of the CNC, so that there can be no mistake.

This customer spent hours trying to modify a part that normally fits like a glove, and installs in minutes. I'm going to take care of him, because he didn't hassle me.



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mine fit like a glove :)
measure twice,,,order once ;)

ps...did I mention I measured with 1, really bad eye laff
wow !!! first thing that came to mind whem my hub adap didnt fit due to my bogus number was to call you and have you make me another lol
Jim....I got mine Fri....4:00pm.....ragmount removed, installed, chain adjusted, road tested by 4:35 pm.....worth the 63 day wait.....

Thanks Dave Nichols
hey jim. have you thought about offering a semi finshed adaptor, one that just has a 1" bore for the hub and we can bore to the size we need. that way you could have a ready supply on hand for those able to finish it themselves.
It has always amazed me what customers do. Instead of calling the manufacture and finding out why they have problems they will either destroy the part and wonder why it doesn't work right or post some *****y thread about how the part didn't work. Lucky it was only the former in this case.
very commendable to take care of your customer after this anyways (^)
you can't beat customer service like that ;)
Ya got to wonder why he'd try to weld the thing to the hub. If you're going that route why not just weld the sprocket to the hub? I know what I'd do; I'd send him a rag joint as a replacement.