zombie apocalypse


I love night riding it so fun. But also very scary. There are barely any streeet lights on, and no body is out or driving it loks like the whole world was left for me to ride my bicycle. And ive been thinking if zombies did attack i would add chainsaws to my bike and ride happiilly around. Like that game dead rising 2.
Zombies WERE attacking you ... problem is , you were on a motorbike , and zombies just walk really slow .
winter is comming ... put on some studded tires , and you'll have a zombie shredding machine .
Gernade launcher would be a nice touch. And you could pack a pull behind with provisions, tools, firearms, etc
Do remember that while you may choose to protect yourself in the zompocalypse in any way you wish, for safety considerations please don't recommend flame throwers as a valid means of eliminating zombies.

Ten WORST Things to Do During a Zombie Outbreak

10: Don’t set zombies on fire. Burning zombies smell terrible.
We’re not sure why you see it in every zombie movie, but it stands to reason that the only thing worse than a zombie is a flaming zombie. Remember, it can take a long time for a zombie to burn to death – more than ten minutes, in some recorded cases. Do you really want a burning zombie lighting you and your friends on fire? Play it safe – chances are good that there won’t be much fire-fighting infrastructure in place during a zombie outbreak if things get out of hand.
BA, I must humbly disagree, ya just cant go wrong with throwing flame @ zombies. Does seem to dissuade em from eating your brains. Or at least distracting em while ya bravely peddle/run away. Just what I have noticed with the undead.

(Vote for Dan in the up-coming elections! He is anti-Undead!)((Uless they vote, again))

http://motorbicycling.com/f28/candidacy-president-34746.html cie

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why is it that in every zombie movie, people are riding around in crappy vehicles (like school buses) that they modify with barbed wire and metal grates on the windows, and whatever junk that may slow a zombie down, but it never stops them in the end?

seriously. when the zombie apocalypse happens, i'll be rolling around in a freakin brinks armored truck.
I think it depends on weather one of the Zombies was previously a lumberjack? This could vary well be a retained skill like walking.
There’s no time like the present to start charting out your zombie apocalypse escape route. Map of the Dead highlights key locations–like gun stores, gas stations, and pharmacies–in your immediate area.


"The key to surviving the zombie horde is fast access to supplies. Unless you have a bunker under your house filled with goodies, you’ll need more fuel, ammo, and medical supplies–Map of the Dead makes it easy to see where the goods are in your locale. Make sure to mouse over the map key for some entertaining commentary."

Map of the Dead [via Neatorama]
I live on a "dead end" street. Am I safe there? :)


NO!!! Run Steve, run!

Was just at the barber's. They had a Mad Magazine. (Man, it is way different then when I was a kid. Is an actual magazine now)

But they had a piece on zombie celebrity dogs. Really gross, lol


All you need is a rain slicker and some wellies to shed the fear contaminated zombie goo.
I had to look up "Wellies" (Didn't know what they were)

Good thinking 16v! Nothing worse then worrying about accidental exposure/ infection.

(LOL @ zombie goo)
Soon as I saw "wellies" mentioned I knew he had to be Canadian. They were standard spring footware when I was a kid.

The spring run off brought over flowing creeks and large pools of water and every young mans favorite spring sport.

Who could stand in the water until the water got to the top of your wellie with out you getting the dreaded "soaker" when the water poured over the top of your boot.

I think every mother lived in fear of thier child squishing their way home with not one but two soakers. The pride of the true sportsman.

That entailed not only a change of socks and pants but the placing of your wellies upside down on the radiator or hot air furnace vent or for a quick fix reversing the vacumn cleaner hose so it blew air into the boots one at a time so they dried quickly since after lunch you were meeting at Billy's house because he'd found a really big pool or a better creek.

Don't remember that my Mom ever checked them too hard to see if they were really dry since it meant I was home all afternoon if she did.

Another boyhood memory from the old lad.
