New Member
Hi my names Terry and my son and I make Custom Headbadges in Brass and Copper upon request. We can take your pictures and idea's and turn them into a cool badge to put on the front of your even cooler ride. After spending so much time building that special motored bike its no longer a Schwinn or Huffy or...well you get the idea...its YOURS. When they see the badge on the front they know its yours if you designed it also.
Well thats where we come to help. We take your idea's and make you that special badge to call yours. But what if your rebuilding an older bike and the badge or that id plate under the crank is almost destroyed and you want to stay as correct as possible..we can help restore them for you also. Got a theme bike your building...we can do that too..and at what I hope you all think is a reasonable price. We started this so that most everyone can have one or two...even. My son and I do our best to make a dang nice looking badge.
Heres a few pictures to look at....
1. This is a restoration I did for a friend the original on the left was wore off on the upper part. I scanned it in and redrew it before etching.
2. Is an old Schwinn that I had that was cracked half way across, same thing scanned in and redrew but changed the text.
3. Just a simple set of letter but looks really good in brass.
4. Is a converted picture trying to see if I could reproduce and image or photo. I hand drew in the buttons and outlines and shadows over the top to give it a bit more depth. One of my favorites.
5. Is a custom build a friend of mine on RRB is doing in the build off going on. He's got one cool story line going and one heck of a build on his hands. Bet you cant guess whats its based around by looking at the badge.
But most badges run around 33 dollars shipped to your door or post office...the break down is
1. $10.00 to draw out something from your idea's (about two hours) if its really detailed might be a 5 dollar up charge.
2. $20.00 dollars to etch in brass. If copper is wanted it would be $2.00 dollars more.
3. $3.00 dollars to ship first class with Delivery Confirmation.
BUT WAIT are you an artist and can draw your own....GREAT if you can send me a vector based file that is usable in my system then you can save the charges for artwork. Just make sure its a vector based file jpegs and other files dont work well in metal etch and have to be redraw.
But thanks for reading my post my names Terry and my sons name is Wade and we love to help you design and make a badge for YOUR motored bike.
you can contact me at [email protected]
Well thats where we come to help. We take your idea's and make you that special badge to call yours. But what if your rebuilding an older bike and the badge or that id plate under the crank is almost destroyed and you want to stay as correct as possible..we can help restore them for you also. Got a theme bike your building...we can do that too..and at what I hope you all think is a reasonable price. We started this so that most everyone can have one or two...even. My son and I do our best to make a dang nice looking badge.
Heres a few pictures to look at....
1. This is a restoration I did for a friend the original on the left was wore off on the upper part. I scanned it in and redrew it before etching.
2. Is an old Schwinn that I had that was cracked half way across, same thing scanned in and redrew but changed the text.
3. Just a simple set of letter but looks really good in brass.
4. Is a converted picture trying to see if I could reproduce and image or photo. I hand drew in the buttons and outlines and shadows over the top to give it a bit more depth. One of my favorites.
5. Is a custom build a friend of mine on RRB is doing in the build off going on. He's got one cool story line going and one heck of a build on his hands. Bet you cant guess whats its based around by looking at the badge.
But most badges run around 33 dollars shipped to your door or post office...the break down is
1. $10.00 to draw out something from your idea's (about two hours) if its really detailed might be a 5 dollar up charge.
2. $20.00 dollars to etch in brass. If copper is wanted it would be $2.00 dollars more.
3. $3.00 dollars to ship first class with Delivery Confirmation.
BUT WAIT are you an artist and can draw your own....GREAT if you can send me a vector based file that is usable in my system then you can save the charges for artwork. Just make sure its a vector based file jpegs and other files dont work well in metal etch and have to be redraw.
But thanks for reading my post my names Terry and my sons name is Wade and we love to help you design and make a badge for YOUR motored bike.
you can contact me at [email protected]
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