Custom and Reproduction Headbadges

I dont know that one has to be bent and recut to make it come out right. Never really tried one like that. Now your head its possible.

OK. Well let me get a good pic, and ill either post it here or email ya, cuz I deffinintly want to do my head, or maybe a funny pose. Man so many ideas now.....
Well heres a sample of the plating that I did to my Indian badge.....I thinks it looks FREAK IN AWESOME..yea ok...I might be partial to my own work. But usually I am never really happy with my own stuff but I really like how this turned out. After looking at enough brass for the last 9 months to make any sailor get the shakes....a change in color is a welcome site....
Terry <-- ex sailor

Well I finally got around to painting. Heres a picture of the painted badge and the original on the right.


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Your work is second to none. Nice. I will be needing some more badges real soon. I will be in touch.
I wanted to thank you again for the excellent Indian head badge. I'm getting to the finish line on my Firebird Worksman cruiser build and feel like the head badge is one essential part of its success in my eyes. I hope you like it as well. I can see that the painted version would be better yet and draw the eye to the head badge statement. Once I had the head badge as an inspiration for a kind of "Indian" theme I added to it with a dragonfly fender running light (dragonfly is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, speed and quickness in the Native American world), fringed hand grips I made from elk hide, a canoe sidecar (not pictured) with a flag of raven feathers. It works for me. Thank you again, my friend...


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I added a Facebook page if you want to look at more of the badges that have been done. Check the signature...later
You should make an official "China Girl" emblem, with like a cute chinese exotic dancer. I'd buy that.

I was going to put a laminated CHINA GIRL picture on my engine side plate. However an engraved one would be the cats meow.
These are a few pictures I was considering.
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I was going to put a laminated CHINA GIRL picture on my engine side plate. However an engraved one would be the cats meow.
These are a few pictures I was considering.

The one thing about this medium is that photos dont come out to well....and redrawing them to a black and white drawing you loose so much of what you liked the picture for. IN a case of wanting something like this you would want to look at black and white line drawings clip art etc etc even those usually have to be redrawn cause they would a jpeg or bmp and if there not in a vector format the edges will be very rough looking. Be more than happy to make something for you...but most people want something per their build.
Something that might make your job easier and quicker (if not already using it) is Paintshop pro10(i assumed Photochop has same feature) You can , with a single click, convert any pic to a line drawing, works pretty well too...just a thought...

Uber cool Jez. I gotta figure out one. Really adds old world class. Do you need a image or could you "wing" one? Thinking about it, is "Shelly American" on an American flag overly complicated? (Lots of letters) Hmm, maybe S.A. on a waving flag with a smaller full name below.....

In any event, really is awesome and will write ya.

Uber cool Jez. I gotta figure out one. Really adds old world class. Do you need a image or could you "wing" one? Thinking about it, is "Shelly American" on an American flag overly complicated? (Lots of letters) Hmm, maybe S.A. on a waving flag with a smaller full name below.....

In any event, really is awesome and will write ya.


Nope just email me at [email protected] and explain a bit more what you would like. Size shape how you see it and we can work something out together.
That's beautiful work. Good to see the man is still in business.
Thanks for sharing, Keith.

I got my Indian Badge in and it looks amazing! Here's a pic. Highly recommend Jones and Son.

Here's a picture:

g'day keith do you or any one know how i can contact jone's and son as i looking to get a badge made up i left a note on his facebook but maybe he doe,nst use it nor been here in awhile i just thought someone could contact him for me so he get's his pm i sent him cheers
your badge look's great