ZBox - First time success


New Member
hello all,

i have just come back from my first ride on my motorized bike and i can say im very happy with my work and effort for my first time project.

i decided on the zbox z80 kit which was to be fitted on my old apollo 12speed mountain bike that i used during my teenage years.

i could have gone and bought another new bike or got one from second hand store but thought what for as we have a few bikes at my place that dont get used much plus i thought for a first time project this would be fine. i may splash out and buy a cruiser or something for my next project, will wait and see.

the zbox kit arrived within 2 days of ordering, very happy with the speed of delivery!

i dont know about the instructions saying 2 hours to do the whole job it took me about 4-5 days spread out over 3 weeks to compete the build but i can say that i have enjoyed every part of it, even the part where i have nursed saw and throbbing red fingers!

plus ive had to go and buy the few things that not everyone has lying around the house like zip ties, inline filter from mower shop, loctite and chain lube.

i serviced the bike beforehand going over everything including brakes, gears, bearings and seating. the bike is quite old and a little tattered but it was solid enough i believe for the engine kit i was using. oh, and both tyres were replaced not long ago as my dad was using it as an occasional exercise ride.

i learned to service bikes properly whilst living in sweden as bicycles are common form of transport there unlike here in oz. i saw in sweden people with Kronan bikes, theyre a sold bit of work wish i could splash out on one of those for a kit but theyre just too expensive here. australia doesnt have the european bike culture and we are very limited to moutain and road/racing bikes here mostly.

the engine is a tight fit i thought it wasnt going to fit when i was installing it but im happy the way it fits inside the frame nice and snug.

i didnt get into any problems till i found i didnt have enough clearance between muffler and pedals, and how the h3ll i was going to shorten the heavy duty chain.

thanx to warren who was quick to give his helpful advice over phone and i quickly fixed this by grinding down a chain link and using heat to bend muffler. the instructions i had didnt say anything about using heat so u can imagine the time i was having trying to bend the pipe without heat! i ended up using heat from my bbq to bend the muffler which now has a cool multi coloured marble swirl that u get on motor bikes afer the pipes have been heated.

besides these issues during the build everything else went according to plan. after running it tonight i have the small issue where its not idling at stand still and just turns off, need to rev it to keep it going but im sure i will be able to fix this easily with a bit of tinkering with the idle control. few other things i need to do now is just seal up the holes with silicon where wires come out of engine and ignition and putting a few more zip ties around wires etc.

just wondering if anyone knows if spark plug change will make any difference to the standard one?

and the clutch, is there anyway of making it a little easier on the hand? ive oiled cable before installing but it still seems quite hard.

i may have caught the bug a little now, i may try my hand at doing a 4 stroke build but 4 stroke engines are pretty pricey here in oz unless anyone in the sydney area can tell me of where i can get good jap engine reasonably priced.

cheers and thanx to the people that told me to go with the zbox!


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looks like u did a good job.
R u sure the bike is visable enough?? lol
i remember wen i got my 1st zbox kit. took me bout 3 days to put together.
but u learn alot ey!
Hope u have as much fun as i did with ur bike.
cheers BB.
i know, the colour is a bit hideous but for a first timer im not too fussed.
i may hit it with a couple of cans of matte black spray paint!

dont worry bout the colour mate. gives the bike its own personality.
Where bouts in sydney u from?
I was their last week.
Nice build, I will try and answer your 2 questions.
Plugs, NGK B5HS or B6HS depending on your temperature where you ride.
To improve clutch actuation I would recommend lubing the cable. I would also remove the spring that runs from the adjuster under the carb to the clutch rod. It serves no purpose other than to make it harder to pull the clutch handle.
Pretty hot in FL so I would go with the B6HS. The number indicates heat range. The 5 is hotter than the 6. I usually use the 5 here in Washington State in the winter, which is most of the time. Then will switch to the 6 in the summer. I think in FL you can use the 6 year round.
cheers guys for the info.

may go get the B6HS sometime this week due to the climate here in sydney, i would say in general its warmer than most places....especially this week!

clutch has been fixed, removed spring as recommended by ghost0 and applied singer machine oil i found in the cabinet of my mums industrial sewing machine.

but as i was cleaning up today and putting all my tools back i found this steel pin in the areas i was working on my bike and am freaking out a little as it may have come out from somewhere. does anyone know where it may have come from? as u see in the pic its about 1 cm long and 3mm roughly for the diameter.



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I was going to say the same but it is far too clean to be that and if his dimension are close it is too small.

kg78, can you confirm your clutch actually works, if it does then that isn't it. But if that isn't it I have no clue what it is.
Pull the cover off and see if the pin is still in there


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after inspection of the clutch housing i can confirm that the pin i found is not that pin that u guys have mentioned.

the clutch pin is still present there.

the pin i found is quite bigger than that one.

clutch is working A ok now after more lube and removal of spring.

i guess ill put this find down to some other stray bit from somewhere else i am pretty certain its not from the bike or the kit now.

Z-48 is a wrist pin, for connecting the piston to the connecting rod, what it's doing loose in the kit I haven't a clue mate. Walter F.
my appologies for not replying i didnt see the last 2 responses till today!

well this mystery pin that i found after completing my kit is gone. ive looked everywhere for the life of me and i just cant find it now.

this so called 'gudgeon pin', it looks to have a hollow centre going by that pic from zBox site, part number z48 yeah?

that pin that i found did not have a hollow centre at all it actually had a roughly cut edge.

the million dollar question is if the gudgeon/wrist pin is missing would the bike motor be working at all?

and how could it have come out if i have not opened up the engine at all and the internals have remained just that, internal during my whole build, i have not pulled the engine apart.

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my appologies for not replying i didnt see the last 2 responses till today!

well this mystery pin that i found after completing my kit is gone. ive looked everywhere for the life of me and i just cant find it now.

this so called 'gudgeon pin', it looks to have a hollow centre going by that pic from zBox site, part number z48 yeah?

that pin that i found did not have a hollow centre at all it actually had a roughly cut edge.

the million dollar question is if the gudgeon/wrist pin is missing would the bike motor be working at all?

and how could it have come out if i have not opened up the engine at all and the internals have remained just that, internal during my whole build, i have not pulled the engine apart.


To answer you question about would the engine run - NO, and it would sound like a pea thresher if it was turned over.

You sure you didn't just dream you had an extra pin? Sounds more and more like a piece of scrap stock. Walter F.