ZBox - First time success

To answer you question about would the engine run - NO, and it would sound like a pea thresher if it was turned over.

You sure you didn't just dream you had an extra pin? Sounds more and more like a piece of scrap stock. Walter F.

its exactly what ive been saying to myself, not so much the dreaming but i did see a metal pin before my eyes! i was pretty sure it wasnt from the bike after closer inspection. plus the bike has been going thru running in process and going beautifully actually.

i dont ride it as much, my father does, but its done about 150kms already so i figure that if it was a wrist or gudgeon pin the bike wouldnt have done half that distance!

ive made some minor improvements to the bike thanx to the wonderful and ever helpful posts people have made here like putting cut up rubber tubing between the fins of engine and i have silicone glued 1cm thick sponge padding to the side of the gear box which has reduced engine and gearbox noise somewhat. (its covered up the big "Z" so no free advertising for ZBox unfortunately!)

vibration has been lowered a little too, but next i will be installing foam handle bar grips to alleviate the slight hand numbing that u get after a longer ride. vibration isnt that bad to be honest but i want to make this bike as calm as possible.

after installing cheapo sponge grips over the standard chinese ones that came with the kit it has helped with the vibration even more. the vibration has been reduced quite a bit now and am really happy with the results.
on riding the bike the other day i was giving it a bit of juice and found that using just one brake isnot enough to stop, and it takes ages to slow down i almost went into oncoming people that were walking on road!
i have just ordered a dual brake lever from MBB and i feel this is a neccesity for anyone that runs a motorbicycle.
at the moment i still have both brake levers in same position and have the clutch lever pointed down more on the left side handlebar where the left brake lever is, and left brake hardly gets used so dual braking is needed.
