WTB: Rear rack mount gas tank (w/ rack)


New Member
WTB: Rear Gas Tank (with mounting rack)


Rear Fuel Tank complete with mounting rack

I've searched all over the internets for this, but no one seems to have the complete setup in stock. BoyGoFast sells the tank on eBay, but no rack. Dax sells the tank only, but doesn't have it in stock. Blowbyu sells the complete setup, but it's not in stock.

If you have this setup and would like to sell it, let me know. If you know where I can get it, let me know.

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I have this set up but installed it on my bike. I have 1 more tank but without the cage. I do have the arms that goes with it though, are you guys interested?
I'm looking for this kit as well, with the cap at the opposite end from the sump of the tank. If anybody knows where I can buy one of these right now please let me know.

It doesn't have the rack but it does come with the cap and 4 metal bars that holds the tank. I've already upload a pic of it on this thread so it will not allow me to do again on this post.
Shux, I'm looking for one with the rack because regular bike racks have a slat that would cover up the filler, and the pictured one fits so nice. Thank you anyways, maybe the OP would like it, sorry for resurrecting a year old thread, the pic was convenient .:P
I've got this rear rack mount gas tank with a custom aluminum plate....it comes complete with the attached bicycle, make offer.

PM me if interested.....serious offers only.



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Bikeberry has this:

I'd prefer a black rack though.

No, they list it on their site but never have/had it in stock. The price is also misleading, no one ever sells this with the rack at a price that low. They list items like this to draw people to the site when a web search shows them as having a hard to find or very low price item. They hope you stop and look for other items to buy. Seems common on the web now days since there is no price to pay for pulling ch!t like this that they couldn't get away with locally.