Would the GXH50 fit the Titan XC kit?


New Member
ThatsDax says he got the new batch of the titan kit, and I live in israel, and in israel customs would not pass an engine. I can buy the Honda GXH50 here in israel but I dont know if it will fit that kit.
please let me know, Thanks ^5
I just found out that there's an adapter which staton-inc sells for the GXH50. With that adapter and GXH50 is it possible to connect it to the dax kit? do I need to buy a clutch with it?
The staton adapter will allow you to mount the DAX 5:1 reduction gearbox to the honda motor. The clutch on the Titan comes already mounted to the motor so it would be my best guess that you would need to buy a clutch as well. The clutch offered by Staton seems to be a good one although a bit on the pricy side. The Other thing that you will need to determine is which adapter from Staton you need? I believe they offer the adapter in two different widths/heights. Which one you need depends on the length of the output shaft of the motor. The Honda comes with either 1&1/4 in. shaft or 1&5/8 in. shaft.

Since I have never done it. I can not say. Not yet anyway. With time, I will get around to it or someone else will. and then we will know. But.. As for now. I just can not say... Hang in there. And.. Enjoy the ride..
Side shaft motor, Horizontal mount, Centrifical chutch, like an old mini bike. or is the output shaft the wrong side? Pablo @ sbp may have the awnser! They have some great stuff! Honda makes a left side shaft motor also. Have seen them @ TSC. (tractor supply co) USA.
I just bought a GXH50. Yes..It was expensive. Compared to Titan. I hope it will be here soon. Once it is here, I will see what all fits, performs ect against the Titan. Since there are so many Hondas out there already, and those wanting to Adapt Titan Drive systems to Honda, I figured it was time to get one and see what all fits if anything. It will also will be interesting to see what is required to make the Honda go since it comes with a Governor Carb setup. I may remove the Governor and carb and just replace it with the Titan Carb to keep it simple. We shall see. Updates to come. Thanks..
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Im interested because I own both a Titan kit and a Staton GXH50 kit. I just havnt gotten around to mating the two to see if it works. They sound and feel the same when running.

The two look almost like twins with the Honda of course having a more finished look. I switched off the gas tank and pull start for cosmetic reasons and they were a perfect fit. The Dax PTO looks like it will bolt directly on but I just cant say for sure until its done.

It would only take me an hour to find out...I just need that hour...
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Well.. I bought a GX50 and I have not received it yet. Not sure what is taking the guy so long to ship it here. Maybe because of all the christmas shipping going on is delaying things. I hope it gets here soon so I can swap things and see what fits between the Titan XC and the Honda GX. Thanks..
Just got it. It is a pre owned GXH50. Sticker is missing off the pull start. Pretty dirty. Compression seems ok. Crank is way different than Titan. I know for a fact the Titan clutch pack will not fit this motor. A lot of wires coming off the oil alert on the bottom. I still can not figure out why oil alert is needed for this motor. I have almost 4000 miles on my Titan and it has only burned 2cc of oil. And for this...You need oil alert? Are you kidding me? There is an extra wire from the oil alert and I am not sure what it is for. The Governor run Carb has to go as well as the Control arm. I will just remove it and put on a Titan carb. I hope it fits. Looks like it will. Rope start looks like a match. Tank is black so you can not see how much fuel it left. Bummer... Casting both metal and plastic looks about the same in quality as Titan. Muffler looks like a match as well. Since the crank is so much different, I am not sure what to do or how to use it with Gear box needed to run on my bike. I will have to research and see if they sell a clutch pack that may work with the Titan gear box. First I will take a gear box and see if it mounts to the motor without hitting the crank. If it hits, I will not bother looking for a clutch pack. The clutch that came with it weights 2 or 3 pounds and is looking for a belt. No reduction of course. O well. So far.. this is not looking all that great. Bummer... But hey.. It is a Honda... Right? I will post some pictures soon. Thanks.. And..Enjoy the ride...
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Man I wish I had extra money to try this out so I'm gonna throw this out to you guys.
It seems the big difference in the Honda engine is the extended shaft.
So is it at all possible to get a spacer that would bring the mount out and the shaft in to accept a clutch pack then add this over it:

X2 (Ninja) Pocket Bike CVT Gearbox (transmission)

With the mount out then the output sprocket of the CVT should line right up to the Titan Carrier Jack Shaft sprocket.


But will the end of that shaft fit a clutch pack? And will the 4 holes line up?
I figure you can even just get 4 long bolts and even a bunch of washers for spacing.
Those Moped/Scooter CVTs look kinda "lowrent", but workable with the Titan or Honda depending on the bell diameter on them and the clutch diameter on the engines, it may be a direct bolt up application. Even if its not a match, it shouldnt be too tough to work out. Im gonna look at diameters!scratg
The Honda shaft is not only longer, but different in shape. Also.. A Transmission on a Titan or any other engine makes it a moped, scooter, motor cycle and no longer a bicycle. In order to be a bicycle it can not have a transmission. You CAN put a CVT or other type of transmission on your engine and get away with it until that one educated cop catches you. Then there will be trouble. From what I understand, an engine less than 50cc on a bicycle does not change anything, and is still a bicycle. If you have an engine with a transmission that allows the changing of gears or gearing, it is no longer a bicycle. I must admit, the thought of a CVT on a Titan XC would be awesome. Speeds of up to 45mph maybe 50? Also it could climb great as well !! This is all great stuff.. Problem is.. It violates most laws in most states for bicycles. So.. For now.. I will stick with the Current Titan with 5:1 reduction gear box. You can climb great and still get a top speed of 30mph. 30mph on most bikes is more than fast enough. Although.. 40-50 using a cvt would be a thrill.. And..Here where I live, an illegal thrill... Unless you register your bicycle as a Scooter, have a license, and pay the fees.. Then it would be legal.. So.. Hummm..... That is an interesting thought for the legal riders like me that would have the license and pay the fees.. But still.. For most bicycles.. Going close to 50mph on a bicycle is dangerous. very.... Keep in mind this, those that do such things as putting a transmission on a bicycle and not registering them and paying the fees, when caught, the local government considers it tax evasion. No kidding. And it is serious. Very serious... So.. I guess if you are going to do it, then register it and pay the fees and stay out of trouble. Thanks..Enjoy the ride....
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Thats the really cool thing about living in The First State, Delaware. Any motorized bicycle is already considered a "moped". The CVT doest "change" gears it simply "expands" the horizons or inherent limits of the small engines. In short, here in DE, as long as we maintain 25mph or less and keep under the (stupid) displacement maximums we are good to go. Crap....we dont even need pedals. So....I am super interested in this CVT/Titan combo or even a Comet Torque-A-Vertor (more costly).

All that being said, Duane, what are the measurements on the Titan clutch (diameter) please, and also can other clutches of different diameters be fitted to the Titan output shaft?.weld

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Delaware Moped Laws
Moped Definition

"Moped" shall mean a pedal or nonpedal bicycle having 2 tandem wheels, either of which is 10 inches or more in maximum diameter, and having a motor characterized in that the maximum piston displacement is less than 55 cc., rated at no more than 2.7 brake horsepower and that the maximum speed does not exceed 25 miles per hour.

Mopeds and tripeds.

(a) Mopeds and tripeds shall not be operated upon interstate and limited access highways, even to cross such highways, nor shall they be operated on the right-of-way of an operating railroad, except to cross such railroad, nor shall they be operated on any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles unless the helper motor has been turned off.

(b) No person shall drive a moped or triped without having been licensed as an operator of a motor vehicle under this title. The licensee shall have such license in the licensee's immediate possession at all times when operating a moped or triped.

(c) Regulations applicable to bicycles shall apply whenever a moped or triped is operated upon any public road or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.

(d) Mopeds or tripeds shall be registered under regulations which shall be adopted by the Division of Motor Vehicles. The registration and reregistration fee for mopeds or tripeds shall be $5 for a 3-year registration period. Upon registration of a moped or triped, the Division of Motor Vehicles shall issue a decal or a distinctive number plate to be affixed to the moped or triped as indication of registration. .trk
Yea Duane's absolutely right! I was thinking more for hill climbing and torque bringing the gears lower and maybe a bit smoother takeoff but your going from a 7 to 1 ratio to a 1 to 1 ratio! That pretty much GUARANTEE'S that you can have a stump pulling gear while still going faster and faster as your engine RPM stays the same to the point that you would be going too fast to stop safely on bicycle brakes I don't care if you got drum brakes there's a reason why even Moped wheels and brakes are so heavy duty! But it's cool to know it can be done. Looks like the Titan engine can bolt right up to that puppy then just drill some holes to bring the engine over to line up with the jack shaft sprocket and get supports for the CVT looks like those two holes on the end of that CVT is there for support you don't want just the 4 clutch bell bolts holding it all on.
I'll stick to my 3 speed. Those 3 gears are plenty good for my buggy bike and I hate to go too fast as it is. Unlike that CVT,I can keep my engine a certain RPM in 3rd gear and it will stay a consistent safe 25 mph humming. With a CVT that RPM can stay the same as your creeping faster and faster without you even knowing it until you have to stop and you cant!
And Cronus is perfect with the stock set up. No need to modify that kit. The buggy bike is just real heavy sometimes with the payload I haul with making the 3 speed fun.
Yea,that CTV may just make your bicycle a wee bit too dangerous.
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