So I tried bending the fork leg back in, failed. I could put more effort in. But it still needs seals, and stronger springs. So I’m looking at maybe 4 hours labor plus $50 to $100 depending on springs. Might as well get a new lighter fork.
As I was thinking about this earlier I got that stiffness in my neck again (broke it in the summer), and I had a vision of riding the bike on a typical one-way trip of around 10mi, and the stiffness that would come with it. Also got a vision of getting love tapped by a car.
I think I’m going to set this project aside for a few more months to a year.
The reason this build is on this forum, and not endless sphere (ebike forum), is that in my mind it is just another gas bike build. Same shet just electric not gas. Nothing new to me really. Power system, frame, wheels, handlebar. Gas bikers always talk about how it’s not the same without the noise, vibration, or smell. However after having both, its apparent to me they’re essentially the same. They both have their strengths. I think electrics will eventually dominate. But commuting on a 212er gets old. It started to suck going deaf even with a freshly packed glasspack, and to be honest the 212er was slow as shet. Looking at the ride, I plug in my headphones and put my music on full. It doesn’t matter what I’m riding. I could be happy on anything. Except not now cuz of that neck stiffness.
My need to build will be satisfied at work. Just joined a startup building something huge. Signed nda. Fabrication and machining on my part.
There are other things I want to build. I think my purpose in getting into bikes was to build my 2-speed. I drew it up the first time around 2016 in chalk on a driveway while babysitting some young family members. It was washed away soon by the rain with the idea planted firmly in my head. Gotta build it before I completely lose interest in bikes. Probably gonna build up another 212er to test it.
And get back into playing music. Been five years since I been in a band. I have been feeling it missing for two years bad now.