WorksMan bikes at Granger


New Member
Now it is easy to get a WorksMan bike. They are available at Granger. It is possibly the best bike to install the engines on. They are tough and have the heavy spokes in the wheels, and you can get the drum brakes. $385, to start, not too bad. A perfect fit for the Whizzer kit if you can find one. Have fun, Dave

PS: It would look the cats meow if you made up a custom tank for the frame, looks like it was made for one.


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Sweet deal, now I know where to get one. I have a Granger 40mi from here.

Too bad they're expensive (more than I can afford right now anyway, haha).
Dan - I think everything would fit, I would like to see someone make a nice gas tank to fit that opening. Have fun, Dave
My Worksman front wheel is 3.5" wide at the hub and the Whizzer is only 3''. I messed up and bought the Worksman wheel.
Thanks for the info, I am going to order a set of drum brake WorksMan wheels for my Whizzer, now I know that I will have to modify the forks or use a springer front end. I don't like the glide front end on the Whizzer any way, mine just sticks and gives a horrible ride. Have fun, Dave
My Worksman front wheel is 3.5" wide at the hub and the Whizzer is only 3''. I messed up and bought the Worksman wheel.
On their website it says shipped from Mfgr. so I guess you still have to pay freight from New York. Don't know if you can pick up one locally. Walter F.
Wow, I'm glad I don't have a lot of money because I would spend a lot there. My custom bike came out to $766 lol.
Are you positive that an 80cc 2-stroke engine will fit between
the frame of the cantilever style with no modifications. Are there
any pictures of a worksman cantilever with an 80cc engine on it?
Thanks for any help:-||
I'm looking for a CDI, 415 chain and a single spark plug cable... do you think Granger carries these MB essentials? Help soon because I'm headed to Granger as soon as they open if so!
Iam not lucky enough to have a Granger Store near me. I have
to deal from the internet from Worksman in NY. All I really know is
the bicycle chain size that NY carries: 1/2x3/16" chains for 3/16"
front sprocket and NY does not deal with motorized bicycle parts.
I just checked out Granger Web Site for the first time.
Their base model cantilver frame style worksman bicycle is
$385.75. NY factory order base model is $329.00 but for a
limited time is now $279. If you add on another $34.00 on
to the price Granger is asking, a person can order at NY
and get front and rear drum brakes with the bike.