Wife with Multiple Myeloma. Limited riding.

Tom from Rubicon

Well-Known Member
Getting into pleasant riding weather again.
I am also side tracked because Mona came home from a 16 day hospital stay undergoing a Stem Cell Transplant. After the Massive Dose Chemo to destroy her existing bone marrow. That was July 6th. Next day she was infused with Stem Cells extracted previous to the chemo. Been twenty three days since the infusion and today her WBC was in the lower normal range. Going up is a good thing.
That said, she has immunity to nothing. In order to survive Mona will over the course of the year starting in October will begin to get vaccinations from A to Z. I wish citizens in SE Wisconsin would respect their fellow citizens to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Mona and I are of the age that regardless of our over all health being good. We are susceptible due to our age. Fortunately neither of us think like what a mirror reflects. Cancer is a SOB I wish on no one. Unhealthy living did not apply, but a aberrant gene did.
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Very sorry to hear, but were pulling for you both please know! My dad had melanoma and died of it and though he did have it so far advanced hospice was his decision. I really wish this to turn around for the best for Mona!

I had something happen I'm getting over, not the Covid thanks, but incorrect prescription dispensed. Penicillin and all the derivatives of Penicillin and also Cephalosporins I am allergic to. I got a cup of pills just before a dental implant and they had antibiotic that was Penicillin derivative. I wrote it down on the form many times before and also then about allergies. Verbally I was asked about it an what it does to me minutes prior and they still made the mistake. Baboon Syndrome Rash I had 20 years ago I hoped was the first and last time. There is a more technical name STRIFE. I have an engraved band on my wrist now. I also thought to take each pill, capsule, whatever and check the codes with online cell phone internet to see what I am given and not trust anyone. 5 weeks and I am a lot better, but 1st 3 weeks was really bad. Maybe another 2 to 3 weeks I hope it is gone all together.
Tom, another big step for Mona's treatment accomplished. It's hard enough coping with stuff like this under normal circumstances, but throw in the unwanted complications of the Covid threat and things quickly become more stressful than they need be. Given Mona's vulnerability, I guess you have no choice but to self isolate? Jen and I have done exactly that since lock-down, apart from me doing the supermarket shopping once every two weeks, and slotting-in the occasional half hour bike ride. That said, due to Jen's increasing loss of mobility, we've been living that way for longer than the lock-down period, so we're becoming used to it.

Pleased to report my Brother-in-Law Keith's chemo therapy just resumed a month back following a two month lay off due to the NHS postponing all but ultra essential treatment while prioritizing Covid cases. For understandable reasons, he and Jen's sister Sheila strictly observed the self isolation rules during the entire time. The good news is that since resuming chemo, Keith's numbers have also made some serious strides back towards the normal range too.
Truth be told Pete, as our children are hundreds and thousands of miles away. I shop daily but exercise every precaution.
I carry a spray bottle containing 75% ethanol to treat everything touched. Knocking on wood.;)
Starting july 7 and counting out 100 days to begin Mona's vaccination schedule.
Tom if I remember correctly her problem start about the time my wife had her bought with diverticulitis, what a difference a year makes. One year ago the 25 of July the doctor had to remove a section of her colon, she has recovered well. I hope and pray your wife will as well.
Tom if I remember correctly her problem start about the time my wife had her bought with diverticulitis, what a difference a year makes. One year ago the 25 of July the doctor had to remove a section of her colon, she has recovered well. I hope and pray your wife will as well.
Hi Greg, my mother and your wife and I have diverticulitis. I pray for your wifes full recovery. I don't eat popcorn, Big no-no. Physically we are all different. Mona's cancer is because of a defective gene. So what has been slowed down in July, will come back in 50% of people. 10 Years is what Mona if she is lucky. I wished you and your wife could see and make acquaintance with us.
Your wife will be in my payers.