Which glue repairs plastic float?


New Member
Hi folks
Brand New Kit ,but faulty float fills with fuel .Only possibility is the seam is leaking as i see its made up with two pieces ,one like a top piece.
Another possibility is the float got punctured by the priming button which had a sharp looking retaining split pin.
The fault is almost invisible. Ive asked seller for a replcement float and sent photo of mine with fuel mix inside.
hard to fix - first drop float in pan of boiling water to remove fuel inside - when empty and dry, try painting along seam with superglue, but depending on what additives are in your local gas, it may not hold long

NOTE: as general rule of thumb, always be sure that float is installed with seam on top side
The only reason to attempt to fix one of these floats is to keep you rolling until your new part arrives. Not like an old brass float you can solder.
Thanks Crassius / Chaz and xseler for the tips .Old style floats were made of compressed cork, in the 1930's ? Later Brass ones were well made and repairable.
This one lasted one hour at most .I suspect it might have been punctured by the long tail end of the priming button split retaining pin which protruded downwards and looked sharp ended .Ive trimmed it down . Anyone had the same experience .?
Im just trying to convince the seller to post me a new one with photos of the fuel inside the float and the newly trimmed split pin.
Theres plenty cork in Portugal to make a new float. Anybody done that ?
seen several - all were due to leaking seams

that plastic is pretty hard, so I doubt the tickler button could have damaged it (if it did, one would see a hole there)
Just a tip, in the old days they use shalac to seal the cork. May work on plastic, and gas will not cut it............Curt
Thanks Crassius .Youre right the button is not respobsible but the split pin holding it in was extra long and sharp ended.
When i did the boiling water dip i could see bubbles gushing out the float seam in the central hole part .I got it working again even though the float has got a touch of water trapped inside.How long it will last with superglue i dont know. I did a second boiling water test after repair and no bubbles came out.
Hi Crassius,
My supplier is really good and helful.They are sending me a whole new carburetor.How good is that ? They asked me "do i want a carb or a just a float". I said ," you decide ".Its in the post now .I sent them photos of the float with fuel showing inside.I gave this motor kit a really good review as great value and accurate workmanship.Anyone wants their name and contact let me know. They are a small company trying their very best to satisfy customers.
Hi folks
Brand New Kit ,but faulty float fills with fuel .Only possibility is the seam is leaking as i see its made up with two pieces ,one like a top piece.
Another possibility is the float got punctured by the priming button which had a sharp looking retaining split pin.
The fault is almost invisible. Ive asked seller for a replcement float and sent photo of mine with fuel mix inside.

Here's my personal opinion if it's a pin hole in plastic float "never use glues" as gas will eat it, your best bet is to heat up some old plastic object with the same quality after cleaning the float and smear preheated plastic on it as a patch.