Go into any major store at your mall and find me something made in America, Desert Rat. It will be a wild goose chase that takes you the good part of an afternoon to accomplish.
Once you think its an okay existence sitting at a press repeatedly putting together machine components, or would want that possible future for your children, then you can complain about things not being made in America, or the cost of things that are. They live on rice and vegetables from polluted gardens and work 14 hour days at a press or mill or grinder so we can stick them on bicycles and enjoy sunny afternoons playing.
You telling me
Gave my family an assignment few years back. 12 people. Go to walmart
jcpennies, sears, and kmart 1 goal, find me something made in USA
Without exception they all brought me back 1 item and it was basically the same
item, a freebee book from front of store rent, job shop etc. LOL ROFL
wrote it up, was published in local rag.
What gets me is all these people saying "Oh look at dax his engines are made in America" ---I saw it so it must be true LOL--- Gullible
Now granted he maybe rebuilding them and he may do a great job at it.
But to bill them as made in America without further explanation makes me wonder
if he's done anything to them except slap a dis-honest label on them
just seems kinda criminal to me, Preying off the fact that everyone , including
myself would like one made here and would pay more for it
I'll save the price and do it myself
oh and 12 hours a day, six days a week, twenty five years in machine shops doing
more complex and harder work than that in farm country and oil country for
little money although still more than them
On a side note do you know why a lot of stuff is now being marked
Made in America?????
Because there is now a manufacturing town named USA Japan! USA USA USA USA
takes on a whole new meaning now!