What's a good Heat Resistant paint for an Engine & Exhaust?


Active Member
Well, what are some paint brands that can withstand the sweltering hot temps. of an engine and exhaust? I don't need any procedure tips on how I should go about it, I just want good paint brands [though it would be helpful to know whether I should use paint-in-a-can or paint-in-a-spray-can :) ]. I am planning on getting a pull starter soon but the only quality ones that are under $30 are primer gray; and I had to bend the muffler to clear the frame, but now it looks like crap bcuz it's all scuffed up.

All sugestions will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the suggestions! Also is Rust-oleum a good brand?

Yes, Rust-oleum is a good paint.

Home Depot has the High Heat engine paint and the BBG/Wood Stove High Heat Paint also.

the good thing about the engine paint also is that when its fully cured, gas & oil wont affect it either.

just as anothe tip here.... if you need to paint a frame with rattle can paint and you cant find color you want in the Engine paint. just get the good 2x coverage Rust- oleum enamel in color you like, then also get some of the Rust-oleum clear coat engine paint, once the 2x paint on frame or parts is fully cured, just give it all a couple of good coats of the clear engine enamel as a top coat and now your base color is protected from gasoline and oil and you have the color you want.

just thought id add this tip in case someone might like to know how they can protect other enamel rattle can paints from being potentially lifted by gas or oil since some paints desolve and lift for fuel or oil.

just make sure base color is fully cured before spraying the clear and do multiple lighter coats.