OK, I have now come to the conclusion that I will NEVER buy from Bikeberry again and will try to dissuade ANYONE and EVERYONE from buying from them...
Here is the transcript of my chat with them today:
[12:42:14] Devin: Good afternoon, how can I help you today?
[12:42:23] Joshua Dobers: Good afternoon Devin!
[12:42:40] Joshua Dobers: RMA 1300040637
[12:43:12] Joshua Dobers: So the piston that was sent as a replacement was too big
[12:44:14] Joshua Dobers: I sent an email Thursday but have not heard back
[12:44:44] Joshua Dobers: I really don't want to have to wait another 20 days to get the correct part.
[12:45:44] Devin: What do you mean by too big?
[12:46:06] Devin: Does it hit the head of the cylinder? or does it not fit the cylinder all together?
[12:46:38] Joshua Dobers: It fits in but it sticks up about 3 mm or so above the cylinder
[12:46:55] Joshua Dobers: There were picts in the email I sent
[12:53:17] Devin: I'm going to see if we can send you a replacement cylinder cap.
[12:54:31] Devin: When I reviewed the pictures with my supervisor he's letting me know that the piston and arm look fine in the position it's in, but that you're more than likely going to have the piston slam against a hea
[12:54:44] Joshua Dobers: I don't thing at would fix it. It sticks up quite a bit and looks like its bigger than the one that came with the engine
[12:55:23] Joshua Dobers: And yes it would..

[12:55:45] Joshua Dobers: I didnt put the head on the engine when I saw that.
[12:55:57] Devin: Well, try that first, J
[12:56:00] Devin: *josh
[12:56:20] Joshua Dobers: What is a cylinder cap? You mean a head?
[12:56:38] Devin: Yes, sorry about that
[12:57:25] Joshua Dobers: lol, again that wont do it. the head doesnt have that much space inside for much piston
[12:58:01] Joshua Dobers: the piston should just BARELY cap into the head. Not poke up like that.
[12:59:43] Joshua Dobers: Trust me, that is a LOT farther up that it should be..

[13:00:13] Joshua Dobers: If you look at the pict of the old piston vs the new piston you can see the new one is longer
[13:01:38] Devin: Okay, Joshua we have one more solution for you, but this is going to be the last thing we can try
[13:02:06] Devin: I have a few crank cases with everything on them. They are unused, but there are some slight damages to them
[13:02:44] Devin: The drive sprocket case cover on one of them is cracked, so you'd have to swap the one you have now with the one we send
[13:03:05] Devin: But it's a complete bottom end, which should be able to match what you have.
[13:03:26] Joshua Dobers: So you can't just get me a new piston?
[13:04:05] Joshua Dobers: I spent 2 days rebuilding the bottom end of my engine to clean out the brass from the disintgrated bushing.
[13:04:06] Devin: We'd have to get the one you received back from you to match it
[13:04:11] Devin: Which would take even longer
[13:04:30] Joshua Dobers: You have the one I originally sent to match a new one with
[13:04:35] Devin: And honestly, there's no telling if I have them
[13:04:59] Devin: So again, I'm willing to send you a whole new bottom end to match the parts you have now
[13:05:37] Devin: It'll be another Flying Horse 66cc bottom end
[13:06:14] Joshua Dobers: LOL. Ok, I suppose that will work.
Wow, really!?!?! All I need is the bloody correct piston! Not another bottom end that, if it is TRULY a Flying Horse, WILL NOT WORK because the piston is STILL going to be the wrong damn size. And I love the statement "one more solution for you, but this is going to be the last thing we can try", and that means, if it doesn't work, I am SOL? When they send the bottom end they truly will have sent me an entire engine. Again I state, it would have been FAR easier to make sure the piston they sent as a replacement matched the one I send as bad.

At this point my engine is no longer a flying horse, its a dying hore.