What got you interested in Motorized Bicycles?



New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
I didn't even know you could motorize a bike 4 months ago!
I am a road cyclist (say what you will, haha) and I commute about 1 to 2 times per week 16 miles each way to work on a 700c road bike. It is a nice ride, but I don't want to do it every day.
One day I was killing time on Craigs List and looking at motorcycles. I have no interest in buying one, just like to brows and see whats out there.
I came across a post where someone had listed a motorized mountain bike they had built with their kid. It was a 24" bike. The description basically said it was a fun father son project. What peaked my interest initially was the ad was for $100! I thought, "Well, heck, I'll buy that just for kicks."
I called and called, the guy never returned my calls. So I started looking around.
I ended up buying a donor bike on Craigslist, and a motor from GasBike (not the best experience.)
Now I am hooked. I ride to work and back 6 times on 1 gallon of gas. That works out to 96 mpg! Much better than my truck. And I am still in break in and trying to get the carb tuned properly!
I can't wait till I get all the (most of) bugs worked out of my first build.
This is a great hobby, and form of transportation!
I am also greatful that I found Motorbicycling.com! What a great recourse full of great people!r.ly.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I've been a cyclist for many years myself. When I was living in North Dakota, I had trouble fighting the winds out there, so I decided to motorize my bicycle.

6 years later, still doing it! Out and about, people often ask me what kind of gas mileage I get. I answer "8-10 in my truck, 150-160 on this!" :D

My 2-strokes averaged 80-90MPG, I get much better with the 4-stroke.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

placidscene, my experience was very similar to yours, although perhaps a bit rockier, lol. I was searching craigslist for a cheap used moped, and ran across an add for bicycle engine kits. It was an ad placed by gasbike. I first thought it must be a gimmick, but googled it nonetheless. I found that it was not a gimmick, and ended up buying a kit from gasbike, because it was the cheapest I could find. that was back in 2009, when gasbike was a lot better than they are now. I asked a coworker for help building it, but he kept saying he was busy, so I decided to build it myself. I had a lot of trial and error on the way, but i have now kept my second bike on the road for the better part of a year. I am hooked through the nose on this fun little hobby. Its also my primary source of transportation.


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

It is also quickly becoming my primary transportation too and from work. I am still going through the "Trial and error phase" which is why I appreciate this site so much.

I had a flat on the way to work this morning. About 10 miles from the office!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2011
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

My first attempt at motorizing a bike was in 1971, a 3 Hp Briggs with a home made jack shaft kinda thing that didn't work very well. My friends dad ran a vw shop and we worked for him as early teens cleaning parts etc. The engine fan for about two days, then threw a rod. I think we had it geared to low and by passing the governor didn't help either. I have often thought about that bike. Then in Nov. 2010 a friend of mine wanted to build one so I started looking, I bought five kits from Bikeberry selling four to friends at cost. My friend past away in 2007 so last July 4 I rode my bike across town to his mothers home that is on the same property that the long closed shop is on to show her that even tho Dennis wasn't there to help me "we " did finish what "we " started,


New Member
May 6, 2012
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

i love rideing a bike but cant stand the pedaling,.... also the ads in the back of magazines in the 70's for a front friction drive motor (i really really wanted one) then in 2000 a kid went zipping past my home on a rear rack chain drive bike,... then i had to have one,..
im building my 4th bike now (planning stage) have the frame (1960's beach cruiser)


New Member
Nov 28, 2011
Blythe, CA
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I saw a rusty old Whizzer in the back of my friend’s garage back in 1958. I traded my Schwinn for it and pushed it home. Humble beginnings but now I’m the OG-Whizzerdude!


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

The Wizzers are cool. I have never seen one myself, only pics. I think they are a lot more common up north? That would be a project I could lose myself in. haha


Apr 14, 2012
Los Angeles
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I've got a collection of some motorcycles. 69' Triumph Daytona, 72' BSA cafe'd out, an 84' Yamaha RZ 350 2 stroke, and a Honda XR 500. Try keeping all those registered and insured. So, I started collecting old Schwinn bicycles. I bought a 4 stroke inframe kit to put in one, so it would look like an old Whizzer. It wouldn't fit without some altering of the bikes (they are to nice to start cutting and grinding). So, I put it on a cheap Huffy frame to play around with. I've had so much fun building and riding this bike for under a total $400 bucks(so far). You have to like to tinker. A welder with some relative knowledge doesn't hurt either.



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

What got you interested in MB's?
Sheriff Joe and I have a different perspective on what 'Impaired' means in a car.
The AZ courts agreed with him.

In short I was not only 'Transportation Challenged', I was Financially Challenged as well so I bought a cheap Wally World Huffy and tried to pedal around.

Ya right, I get winded just trying to start a stubborn MB.
The next day I started looking for a way to motorize it and one thing led to another.

Sign Guy

New Member
Jan 19, 2010
Everett, WA
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I wanted to ride my bike to work but it was 90% uphill and I was sweatin like a pig by the time I got there, then shower, etc. I had to get up 1.5 hrs before work just to get there and get cleaned up on time. With the motor I could save 1/2 hr and be there basically rested up. I could pedal home w/no problem. This worked well for probably 5 or 6 trips then the bike got harder and harder to start and now doesn't start - so now it sits in the garage :-(


Apr 14, 2012
Los Angeles
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I borrowed the seat off my 41' Schwinn DX. Very comfortable seat. It absorbs alot of bumps in the road as well as most of the engine vibrations. Changed the whole riding experience. It's called a, "long spring saddle".


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

Do you feel at all disconnected from the bike?
I am used to no suspension.
On my Mountain bike I have front suspension and one time I used a shock absorbing seat post. On my mountain bike I like to have a lot of precise control, and I had the feeling that I had lost some of that with the suspension seat post.


Apr 14, 2012
Los Angeles
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

Not really. It just takes away the hard bumps and vibrations. Although, you could say, it does have a "floaty" feel to it. Not a disconnection to the bike though. Lots of people have ridden my bike and said it feels smooth. The Bontrager tires really helped too. They are very smooth.


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
Re: What got you interested in MB's?

I wanted to ride my bike to work but it was 90% uphill and I was sweatin like a pig by the time I got there, then shower, etc. I had to get up 1.5 hrs before work just to get there and get cleaned up on time. With the motor I could save 1/2 hr and be there basically rested up. I could pedal home w/no problem. This worked well for probably 5 or 6 trips then the bike got harder and harder to start and now doesn't start - so now it sits in the garage :-(
I am not the most experience motorbike mechanic, but from what I have read, you might check your head gasket and see if it is blown. That would be a simple fix. You may not be getting any compression.
Anyone else have a take on this?
Let's help our discouraged friend here!