What did you do to it today.

After smelling too much of a gas smell I discovered the famous tank bolt hole. I drained my tank... :p

Monday I go down to the recycleing yard for that length of 3" copper tubeing. There's a pipe supply house just down the road from there where I can get 3" caps to solder on. Time to make a tank :)

I'm planning on spending a few $ to add on steam punk details. Plus there will be a sight gage for fuel level of made from 1" clear plastic tubing, guarded by a cage....well, that's the plan anyway ;)
I went out to run errands for my wife so I snuk to the hardware store and picked up two pieces of 5 foot emt for my steering linkage the 10 foot piece was cheaper but i would not have been able to sneak it past the wife. I also finally got the stripping wheel for my grinder so I can prep for some paint this weekend.
Went for coffee on the slant 50 cruiser- just before arrival it started sputtering like no gas or something.

When I left I noticed a big drip coming down from carb- got the few miles home running
below average- and still had the dripping- gas tank going down faster than normal- and I'd just put a dollars worth in- must be 25 cents of gas SHOT TO HE'LL!

figured it was float sticking-

took it apart tonight- it's a 50 slant with "sleeve" attachments- there's no intake the carb sits right next to motor- it's not quite broken in but I figured this would be a good setup

had trouble getting carb off over long sleeves- past the cable stop shaft- and the cable stop shaft wouldn't come out under carb-

how did they do this?

One HAD to clear the other- finally got shaft screwed in and filed down enought to clear the carb bowl or actually the other way around. got carb off long sleeves- by now figuring I might put the old longer billet intake on with an older normal car-

wrong. The sleeves have a wider stud diameter- I could modify the billet intake slightly to mount it but am lacking drill and I figured if I don't buy a 66 speed carb, what's the point?-

apart from the sleeves they are both older stock 50 carbs, except the float never stuck on the older one.

so I checked the float bowl- MAY have found the problem but not sure- bent the copper arms under plastic float slightly to elevate the float. Put gasket sealer on bottom screw- don't think it was leaking there.

only problem is that I screwed up the carb gasket and will probably have to cut another one myself=

no biggie but still not sure it's fixed. May eventually put a billet and speed carb on- but it's not broken in yet and not sure it's worth it. Reamed the intake port wider with a file- must've gotten another millimeter. Expect a little performance increase if the repair takes otherwise.

it's almost back together- guess I'll have to suffer on the 66 bike....


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I messed up a motor mount and didn't want to tap it, so I went to the hardware store. All I wanted was a self tapping bolt. They told me they didn't carry them. I looked at the guy and said I don't believe you. Those are a hardware store staple.

Well we don't have them, he said all nasty. Finally after going round and round, he tells me we have self drilling screws. Huh, I said. He took me to the wall of screws and sure as heck there is a wall full of self tapping screws and bolts. When did they change the name and why in the world had that guy who is forty, at least, never heard of a self tapping screws and bolts.
Installed the new parts I got for a Beta test(can't talk about it, yet) and a new NGK BR9HIX Iridium plug(this plug is for very high compression motors.)Also installed the MightyWonderful white wire voltage regulator and battery pack and charged the Metal Halide batteries that came with it.

I arranged the copper parts I got for my tank so all I need is a 3" copper end cap to make the tank, providing that I can un-solder the pieces I have to rearrange. Locally sourced end cap is $38, not inc tax. I found them for $28 shipped, a $13-14 dollar savings. 1 of the fittings I got is a 3" x 3" x 1" Tee-section. Even on eBay it's $55 !! This section will become the filler. I'll be going to Andy's Supply for the fittings to make a vented cap.

My sister works for a rental place, they have torches to make the dis-assembly possible. You need some large flame over a lot of surface to get a 3" pipe joint apart. I figure 2 acetylene torches with rosebud heads will do the job ;)
Nice that you know how to do that kind of thing. I wish I did. It's old dogs and new tricks with me.
The wife wanted to "spend time together" So I was not able to sneak out to my secret lab. But while sitting on the couch "connecting" with my better looking half, I spied an old plastic and steel chair from Ikea. I have been trying to find some sort of seat for the bike I am building, and that chair looked perfect, I happen to know my father has a few stored in his garage, so I will have to do a stealth ninja mission to get one. If I chop the legs and fab a bracket my seat issue is resolved...now I just have to find a good ninja suit to sneak past the dog.
The wife wanted to "spend time together" So I was not able to sneak out to my secret lab. But while sitting on the couch "connecting" with my better looking half, I spied an old plastic and steel chair from Ikea. I have been trying to find some sort of seat for the bike I am building, and that chair looked perfect, I happen to know my father has a few stored in his garage, so I will have to do a stealth ninja mission to get one. If I chop the legs and fab a bracket my seat issue is resolved...now I just have to find a good ninja suit to sneak past the dog.
Just ''keep your feathers numbered''..;)
I took my new small engine friction drive to the bank this morning. I build with almost exclusively 1/4 nuts and bolts. Since it is a work in progress, I put a couple of nuts and bolts in my pocket along with two wrenches. it was a good thing. I had to stop twice to replace nuts. But the bike performed well.
Got the seat bracket welded on. With little luck I will have the paint on by monday and can start putting it together.
I rode both my gasoline bikes today. The big bike needed a little adjustment. no big deal The 40cc or so little bike with the scooter rear wheel as a friction drive wheel almost killed me. If never had good brakes, those two hand brakes just wouldn't do it for some reason.

so I traded the rear 24" 6speed rear wheel for a 20" coaster brake rear wheel. That job just kept growing and growing but I finally beat it into submission. I have one more thing to do to it before it is really finished which I will get to as soon as my wife leaves to go baby sit for our grand children.

I did lose the gears when I switched it out of course, and I already miss those, but it is just one of those things. I can use the motor on a bike with those brake pads on the sides of the wheel. they work much better than the ones in the harp thing.
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I rode a couple of mine today. With the rare treat of 80 degree weather here in south central PA today along with a day off from work, I put some miles on the Whizzer and my EZ Motorbike. usflg
Didn't do much today finaly got evrything the way it needs to be for now waitnig for sbp expansion and looing for a full suspension frame for next build but they era so hard to find. Found one for 140 on ebay but 120 for shiping so too expensive
I blew two engines this week. For different reasons but I didn't want to fix either since they were used when I got them and I have a new HF 2.5 hp on the way now.
Since I don't have a running gasoline bike at the moment. I prepared my old bike frame for the new engine. Not an awful lot I could do, without the engine, but I started. I decided to reuse one of my gas bike frames from before. So I put a new tire on the rear, replaced the crank set but not the chain ring. Greased the crank bearings, I also welded a hanger for the new motor once I gets here.

I got my new sprocket for the motor as well. I'm looking forward to giving it a try.
today I changed a gas tank on my new bike. The one that came with the HF motor had a tiny drip in it. I never did really figure out where. I had a 1/4 plastic one from a techemsah snow blower so I switched them. I needed to anyway to get the tank away from the muffler which I had to relocate yesterday. So it all worked out for the best it seems.