Went for coffee on the slant 50 cruiser- just before arrival it started sputtering like no gas or something.
When I left I noticed a big drip coming down from carb- got the few miles home running
below average- and still had the dripping- gas tank going down faster than normal- and I'd just put a dollars worth in- must be 25 cents of gas SHOT TO HE'LL!
figured it was float sticking-
took it apart tonight- it's a 50 slant with "sleeve" attachments- there's no intake the carb sits right next to motor- it's not quite broken in but I figured this would be a good setup
had trouble getting carb off over long sleeves- past the cable stop shaft- and the cable stop shaft wouldn't come out under carb-
how did they do this?
One HAD to clear the other- finally got shaft screwed in and filed down enought to clear the carb bowl or actually the other way around. got carb off long sleeves- by now figuring I might put the old longer billet intake on with an older normal car-
wrong. The sleeves have a wider stud diameter- I could modify the billet intake slightly to mount it but am lacking drill and I figured if I don't buy a 66 speed carb, what's the point?-
apart from the sleeves they are both older stock 50 carbs, except the float never stuck on the older one.
so I checked the float bowl- MAY have found the problem but not sure- bent the copper arms under plastic float slightly to elevate the float. Put gasket sealer on bottom screw- don't think it was leaking there.
only problem is that I screwed up the carb gasket and will probably have to cut another one myself=
no biggie but still not sure it's fixed. May eventually put a billet and speed carb on- but it's not broken in yet and not sure it's worth it. Reamed the intake port wider with a file- must've gotten another millimeter. Expect a little performance increase if the repair takes otherwise.
it's almost back together- guess I'll have to suffer on the 66 bike....