What are the contents of you'r tool kit


New Member
Im fairly new to this and ride a 50 cc chinese 2stroke and carry with me the following in case of a break down
10mm combination spanner
14mm " "
15mm " "
allen keys
small multi grips
screwdriver - +
crank/sparkplug tool
wire rope

Just wondering what you hav, or i dont have something i may need. I havent had a problem yet but i check the bike over after every ride Cheers .weld LOL
hey fairracing. I see you have got a chain clip. this is a good idear but what tool do u use to put the clip on?
I hav always used needle noise pliers but u dont have any there??

Yer i will be just making a small tool kit wen i recieve my new bike.

To your kit I'd add:

spare spark plug
roll of tape
about $3 - $4 in quarters for phone calls & vending machines
cheap, thin poncho from the dollar-store
(to sit out the rain in or cover your bike while you're in McDonald's)
small note pad and pencil
small (legal) pocket knife
matches or lighter
any required medicine

All of the above won't take up much room ... pretty much just a hand full ...
or will roll up in the bandana.

Happy trails.....
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hey fairracing. I see you have got a chain clip. this is a good idear but what tool do u use to put the clip on?
I hav always used needle noise pliers but u dont have any there??

Yer i will be just making a small tool kit wen i recieve my new bike.

I do have pliers, but I have never needed them to change or remove the master link. I just use my fingers and a screwdriver.

Some do not like to use a master link, I do. If something ever happens to my motor I want to be able to remove my chain so that it will be easier to pedal. You could always remove the chain from the sprockets but the it will be stuck there and always a chance of it getting wedged somewhere and causing more problems.

They say it is a weak link, EXACTLY! If the chain is going to fail thats where it will fail and is a simple fix on the road. I actually carry a few master links, just do not have it in the pic.
Down Under Guys. The Way It Looks On The News, Carry A Very Large Fire Extingquisher. Not Funny For Sure!! Over 35 People Burned To Death Last I Heard. Any Of You Fellows Close To The Tragedy? 6 Or 7 People Burned To Death In 1 Car!! Let Us Know How All Of You Are Doing. Ron
hey neat times. Yer not good last i saw death toll was at 87. Im sure its higher now. Im a fair way north of the fires but just above me is a killer flood. I know a few guys on here r from perth they would be feeling it.
Biscaneboy, Thanks For The Heads Up. Man O Man. It Sure Give`s A Body A Sick Feeling. Those Unfortunate Souls. Very Very Sad. Ron
Im in perth miles away in the bush though similar surroundings. I feel sick and have shed many tears
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In mine:

Guerilla tape
Zip ties
Adjustable wrench
whole kaboodle of allen wrenches
flathead/phillips head combo screwdriver

i figure if i need anything else, i have a heck of a lot more to worry about than the state of my bike
Ozzy, For Sure, A Cell Phone Is A Piece Of High Tec Equipment. Ron

Haha, yeah I had to use my cell phone today when my chain got derailed. I had to remove the 'quick link' and i did not have any tools but my cell phone has an aluminium case which had a pointy edge.
Brassoman, Welcome Young Fellow. The Nabor And I Built My First Motor Bike When I Was 11 Yrs Old. That Was Many Yrs Ago. Now I`m Riding Them Again. Owned Many Motorcycles Over The Yrs. I`m Glad Your Cell Phone Worked!! Lol.