Let's build a tool kit


New Member
Assuming a lockable trunk so that the tools stay with the bike what would your ideal road kit be? I'm thinking a pump and spare tube are a must. What else should the well equipped cruiser carry (?)
I have a Chinese 2 stroke...So my kit will have to include a socket kit with a 10, 13, 14,and 15, flat head and Phillips interchangeable screw driver, pliers, allen wrenches, and some spare screws, fix a flat, and a co2 cartridge mini bike pump.
When I rode motorcycles in another life I used to use master links to clip the cables and wires together. Some trips I had wires hanging out at the end of a run but nobody around me ever got towed home packin' their chain! I used to carry full socket sets and just about everything I would ever need in a leather saddle bag. On these Chinafire kits all I need is a few tools and maybe a spare engine kit if I make a long trip, still less weight than the ol' saddle bag.
Here is what I carry. The first pic are the tools, the second is where I carry it, the third is my pump that I have mounted to look like a manual oil pump.


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a cell phone works for me if I ever need to use it. So far I haven't.

Definitely a cellphone, and a few small wrenches small, philips head/and flat screwdrivers, small adjustable wrench, flat patch kit, cash....(^):ride2: Oh! and a pump.
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Here is what I carry. The first pic are the tools, the second is where I carry it, the third is my pump that I have mounted to look like a manual oil pump.

Now that's a nice bike, full pics of bike would be awesome.... very cool, where did you get that seat? I could see someone pull up to their vintage bi-plane in that bike(^) and take off into the sky...
Hopefully, it will be re-assembled this weekend. Then, plenty of pics.

The seat was a bare seat with no upholstery I got off eBay for 12 or 15 bucks. I covered it with goat hide.
Is a suweet ride Hough.

The tool thing, above all else, an even carpy multi-tool pocket thing will get ya home. I have one bike I carry any thing I might need shy of tubes and a pump. (I R slow and should) But on the 4 smoker, Alls I carry is a wanna-be leatherman. For a 2 stroke ChinaGirl, need a ratcheting 10 mm, a box 10 mm, a bicycle all in one tool and a leatherman like devise.
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10-15mm sockets, ratchet, phillips screwdriver, standard screwdriver, hex wrench multi-tool (for the frame), spare battery pack for the lights, two spare inners for the tires.
After maybe 50 rides without needing any tools I now carry a small adj. wrench and a small multi. screw driver which fit easily in a pocket.