Wanted: Behind seat gas tank

How much fuel does that beauty hold ? And I have to say that You are setting a pretty high bar for parts...again beautiful !!
Thanks for posting the photo fo your bike and tank. It looks really nice and the vent line treatment is super. Once I get done with my current build I want to do a second generation of my tanks with the vented cap kindly shared by ferball which will eliminate the need for a vent line.
As always, your work is superlative. You've set that bar right up at the top. Awesome!
Some people in TX drink "red beer" at the bar. It is basically tomato juice and cheap beer, to give it some flavor and a little nutrition bc. its often served to those having breakfast at 10AM when the bar opens. hahah

That's funny. I'm wondering what an overdose of tomato juice will do. Already finished off one can, working on the second one. If a little glass of that is good for you then two cans with a third waiting should be real real healthy, right? Not bad with tobasco sauce in it. The things I do.
SB Are you still making tanks. Please pm me!!! Thanx so much!!! Loving the art you making!!!

Yes, I still make them when asked. I don't look for the work, but do it when it comes my way. At the moment I'm up to my eyeballs with an Indian Hiawatha build, making a bike hauler trailer for it and the sidecar, building wheels and other stuff, but could squeeze a tank in as a rain day work if you want. Let me know. It would be a week before I could have one done. PM me for a price if you are interested.
Has anyone yet thought of making a fueltank that would fit to back of bike, using normal rearrack mounts and perhaps the seatheight adjuster, and is slightly sportier while looking like the tailpiece of racebike perhaps? Doubles as mudguard? Wanna can the normal tank and thus looking for ideas...
I'm not sure about that but there are lots of common moped tanks that made for or work on mb's, that have a rear rack with integrated tank, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 gallon.

You could use about any standard bicycle cargo rack and clamp a PVC or metal 3" tube to the side of it, just make sure to isolate it from shock and electrical shorts.
I have been thinking of doing that because as cool as the stock tank looks, I get aggravated with it for my knees bumping on it when pedaling hard.
I have been pounding the crap out of my brain (what there is of it!) on building a sight gauge. I had thought of a glass tube but that would get broken and there goes your gas! Plastic would work! My biggest problem would be working with the shape of my in frame tank.

If you are building your own custom tank, you might make it so the filler tube is vertical when the bike is level, and integrate a filler neck that can recieve a lawnmower gas cap with fuel-gauge float.
I have been pounding the crap out of my brain (what there is of it!) on building a sight gauge. I had thought of a glass tube but that would get broken and there goes your gas! Plastic would work! My biggest problem would be working with the shape of my in frame tank.


Oh man Terry, that would look so awesome with a sight tube! Just old world Motor-Bike cool!

Just a thought here. Could use a valve of some sort for the bottom just in case of a brake or failure. But really do think your right about using plastic. More forgiving, cheaper and easier to replace.

I have been thinking about doing that top and bottom as a vent as well. (top, a 3 way)

But a brass sight tube on your tank, it would be art!
Has anyone yet thought of making a fueltank that would fit to back of bike, using normal rearrack mounts and perhaps the seatheight adjuster, and is slightly sportier while looking like the tailpiece of racebike perhaps? Doubles as mudguard? Wanna can the normal tank and thus looking for ideas...

They are made and are pretty cheap. As it is a product I don't want to post a link but the ready made ones sort of look like a bicycle book rack. Is a good option me thinks as ya could use it as a rack.

I really like your thought about it working as a fender as well. Would not be hard to make and am gonna try it. LOL, I just have to learn how to weld aluminum.
Oh man Terry, that would look so awesome with a sight tube! Just old world Motor-Bike cool!

Just a thought here. Could use a valve of some sort for the bottom just in case of a brake or failure. But really do think your right about using plastic. More forgiving, cheaper and easier to replace.

I have been thinking about doing that top and bottom as a vent as well. (top, a 3 way)

But a brass sight tube on your tank, it would be art!

I WONDER IF you could T off of the fuel line at the shutoff valve up to a top line connection in the tank,,,easier to put in a top connection and the lower is easy to access also,,,,,,,,,,,,,,xct2
Does anyone here still need the flat gas tank that fits on the rear rack? I have one for sale. I will post pic if anyone is interested.
I am interested. You can upload the pics with SadPanda.us - A hassle-free image upload host .

Does it look like this? I like it.

The vendor Blow By You has this listed for around $20 or $30, but says it is out of stock.

If that is what you are selling, and it is not rusty, I like it. It should work fine on my bike, then I can use the peanut tank on my yard tiller hahaha. I am tired of banging my knees on it. I like the old style rack tank best, such a nice look.
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Happy, ya gotta post a pic of your tiller! That is to funny.

Now I wanna mount one on the hood of my ridding mower.
(Right after putting a Mercedes-Benz hood ornament on it)
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The Monster Tiller, a work in progress. I use it on a mountain bike trail to cut grass and vegetation on the sides of the trail and to break up ruts. Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More You should hear it now. I cleaned the head and valves and use a steel bicycling water bottle from lowes as a fuel tank (1/4 ID rubber fuel hose jams right in the pour spout and just leaves a tiny room to breathe the tank.)


[IMG]http://motoredbikes.com/picture.php?pictureid=9624&albumid=1441&dl=1312677861&thumb=1 http://motoredbikes.com/picture.php?pictureid=9624&albumid=1441&dl=1312677861&thumb=1