Villiers 98cc BTR is complete

The Villers 198cc I used to have, ran much hotter (tested temp) with a more basic exhaust, whereas the expansion chamber exhaust kept it cooler.

Maybe it would run better and cooler with an expansion chamber but I don't think it would suit the build at all, besides I quite like the look of the stock exhaust, and while I know my back has a rear disc brake but that had more to do with budget (didn't wanna pay for new hubs).
I'm guessing you're referring to the hand clutch or "suicide clutch". The throttle is the standard Villiers throttle lever mounted on the bars

Aaahh I see now,cool! How did you set up your belt drive? Because belt is atleast 10 notches higher on the coolness chart than chain drive (even tho its part of my name)laff
Aaahh I see now,cool! How did you set up your belt drive? Because belt is atleast 10 notches higher on the coolness chart than chain drive (even tho its part of my name)laff

I have a "A" section pulley mounted to the engine that has an "A" section belt and another pulley on the jackshaft. I have a small pulley with a bearing fitted on the end of the clutch lever. It puts tension on the primary belt to get traction to move.

I have another "A" section belt that runs to a 20" bike rim fitted to my rim via brackets to my 26"rim



could you do a diagram of your belt tensioner for me im making a flying merkel replica with charliechaindrive and thas kinda what we were gunna do
I've got to admit, thats a nice build harry, to bad! you ran outta money and couldn't get it painted, just joking!! very nice! Harry
^^^^LOL......The paints on the way....... ive almost payed off half on Layby.

Ive actually considered giving it a well worn paint job but im not sure, maybe one day when i get sick of looking at it
Do something different Harry, go out side the box of usual, I've got a friend who did his 1966 Huffy a Carmel color and at first just looking at the color sample I did'nt like it but man when it put it on the bike,it popped! you may not like that particular color but make it different no matter what the color.
Uh, am I crazy or in yourwalk around video do I see a kickstarter? If so o_o
You are definatly worty of a trophy for this

Yeah good eye, that is a kickstarter, but i havent spent the time to get it working properly...... i have a sprocket gear on the right side of my jackshaft so if i lift my rear wheel with my stand and put it in gear, in theory when i kick it it should spin the primary and start it.

BUT the kickstarter and gear were very old and worn and i needed to repair them by filling them with weld and filing them down....... but when i tried to use it it was jumping gears....... and since its just easier to ride along and bump start it i havent spent the time to get it working properly..... although it would be cool for car shows etc.
I used the kickstarter off a Villiers cylinder mower, i had a hole machined in the end of the keyway shaft i had made, and welded it to the end. The sprocket has a one way ratcheting thingy

The Villiers mower that had the kickstarter



Here is another mower i have but the kickstart is very large and heavy


Here is the worn kickstarter


Jackshaft with kickstarter sprocket thingy

The problem i may have preventing it to work is i have it on the jackshaft and not the flywheel like it originally was..... and because of my jackshaft gearing it would be spinning the engine at a different rpm...... if im making sense?

I love this little bike,it has a very unique look to it. That kick start is great addition to the bike. I tried to build some thing similar on my first bike but it didn't pan out as I expected so I scrapped the idea. Keep up the good work. These projects are never truly done.
Charlie there are quite a few of these mowers.... I've never seen anyone using one to mow their lawn, but obviously there are a lot tucked away in sheds..... There is usually always a complete mower or engine on EBay, and if you wait you can pick them up cheaply.

Lurker, thanks for the kind words and later on I may get the kick starter working properly...... But since Ive been warned by the police (twice) not to ride this on the road all I can think about is starting my electric build early next year when I have money for engine and batteries, I just miss riding my bike :-(
Harry, Great job on the bike. I remember back in the 50's (mid 1900's) we had a Jacobsen reel mower that had the same type of pedal-geared starter and it's a great idea to try to use one. Hope it works. Dan
I cleaned out my manroom today, and as weve had a lot of rain and hot weather the Villiers started to get the rusty patina i was waiting for, so i apllied some oil to limit future rusting. I think it looks better then it did.

Im going to a vintage motorcycle swap meet next month so i thought i might take my bike to show as i havent taken it to any events yet. And since i dont ride it anymore because of the damn police i thought id make some more BTR bars. I cut a set of cruiser bars down and gently got a little more bend in my vice. Took me about 30 minutes but i think it makes a big difference. I might make a few more changes before the swap meet.




