Venice 'Rat Rod' WCC bike

Great looking bike! You mentioned in my thread that it has a 23 t sprocket, where did you get a 23 or did you adapt one from something else? The smallest I could find was a 30 t.
What size sprocket you using? I need to gear mine tops out about 20.
I'm going to actually count how many teeth are on it Monday when I'm in the shop... The guy said it was 23T (but I never actually counted them). :-{
Thought it looked pretty small...
I was thinking a 32 tooth might be in the ballpark with the 20''wheel.
Never seen a 23 for a bike!
Thanks Norm!
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It's definately smaller than a 32T! I have a 30T in the shop that still looks way bigger than what's on the bike now. ;)

I'll count it & post tomorrow. :)
Thanks, that could be helpful down the road after I run a 30t and decide what to go to next and how to do it.